16- Isabel

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Carmen Amor

Jai (Jay)

Fucking with Harry has become one of my favorite things to do.

Since I've been oh so graciously chosen to be the one to teach him a thing of friendship and feelings, I try to give him a variety.

I try to be sweet and caring like but I also try to fuck with him and make him laugh. I've yet to do but when I do make him laugh I know it will be euphoric.

Sometimes I'll see him smirk a bit and I see a slight dimple and I internally awe each time.

It's so funny to think that a big, bad, cold-hearted assassin has a fucking dimple.

Harry and I are on our way back from picking up the tour bus. After giving him an amazing performance to Soldier, we just kinda vibed out the rest of the way.

Well mostly me, Harry slept the whole time.

He only woke up when we had to pick up the tour bus we're gonna be using. After that he knocked out again.

While Harry is sleep I take a little break because I'm getting tired as well. While sitting in a random parking lot I get a phone call.

I take a glance at the caller ID and see that it's my brother Jai. Jai and I have a great relationship, ever since we lost our parents we stick together like glue.

"Ello brother," I say in a fake accent as I accept the call.

"Miss Amor, how are you, baby sis?" Comes his reply.

Well since you must know dear brother I'm currently risking my job for a shady job with 4 English/British/Irish men, and one of them has me extremely sexually frustrated. But besides that, I'm doing just fine.

"Still alive so I'm doing fine." is what I actually say.

Jai gets quiet and I quickly realize that he didn't call me just to hear my voice. Something is wrong.

"Jai.. you okay?" I ask after a minute of silence.

He takes in a deep breath, "Yeah yeah don't worry I just uh was wondering if you are coming home for the anniversary."


I forgot all about it. With all the shit that has been going on with Harry and our job, it completely left my mind.

It's really almost been four years.

"Shit I completely forgot with all this fuckery that's been going on with my job," I say.

"Well can you come?"

I push back the threatening tears in my eyes and clear my throat, "No... I can't."

Another minute of silence.

"Okay." Is all I get in response before he hangs up the phone.


Why did this have to happen today? I was having a good day. I laughed, joked around, listened to good music, I mean how does it get any better than that.

No, the real question is, is how does it get any worse than that. And that is an answer I can give.

It gets worse when you become reminded of the suicide of your little sister.

Isabel has been gone for four years. Four years without her voice. Her smile. Her sunshine.

Isabel was my best friend.

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