9- Rose

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Carmen Amor

Me and the boys are all inside of a sleek, black Range Rover sport and it is making me miss my baby. Currently, me and Niall are going hard to some Beyonce.

Some things I've noticed about each of the guys is that each of their personalities are drastically different, and yet they blend so well.

Niall is literally like a frat boy golden retriever. He has a child-like personality but will be the life of the party. He is incredibly fun to be around, never taking things too seriously, always smiling. Niall has one of those laughs that would automatically bring a smile to your face by just hearing it. His happiness is contagious.

Zayn is the definition of a pothead and I love it. He is always relaxed, quiet, chill. I like that quality because he is that friend who would paint art, smoke weed, and listen to some R&B with you without hesitation.

Louis is just simply adorable. He is very quiet and just... peaceful. He is also so fucking sarcastically honest that he'd tell you that you look horribly but in his own way? Hard to describe but it is rare to find.

Harry is Harry. A purebred asshole. He never lets anyone know what is going through his head, never letting his guard down. He seems so...cold?

I personally think he just needs a hug.

It's always the ones who everyone would steer clear of, discriminate, and be rude to that need the most love.

If I know I can give someone some kindess, comfort, and love then I will try my hardest to. Who knows, I might save their life.

I know being an assassin people assume I'm crazy and heartless but I'm quite the opposite. I know I love hard, which is why I only let myself care about a select few people.

I actually hope to have kids one day, to get married, just live my life happily. I'm in no rush though, when the time is right it will happen.

We pull up to Christian's Club and Niall tosses the keys to the valet for him to park. We all enter the club and I instantly start searching for Nathaniel. I see Louis head over to wherever Vanessa is and Zayn makes his way to talk to the bartender.

I watch as Harry makes his way over to Tasha, one of Christian's mistresses. I note each of the boys locations mentally so I can keep an eye on what is going on.

I spot Nathaniel over in the VIP lounge for all the rich and upperclassmen.

You know I never understood the point of a VIP section of clubs, like we all know you either came here to get drunk, get laid, or to have fun. Everyone is doing the same shit so what is the point?

I make my way over to the VIP and just now notice the guard infront of the enterance to the section.

Well he is about to go on break for a little while.

I walk up the stairs until I'm right infront of him, "Hi there."

He just stiffly nods in response. People confuse the fuck out of me.

"You know..." I start, "My friends ditched me... I'd love a bit of company in the backroom." I say with a suggestive brow.

Rule number one of being a female assasian, put your gorgeous self to use and seduce.

Hey that rhymed.

Men are simple creatures honestly.

The body guard darts his tongue out to wet his skinny, pale lips... gross.

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