Chapter 7

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Two days left? What did that mean? What was Lucifer trying to say? I took the note card from Evie's hands and lead her out of the kitchen.

"What happened, Mark?" Evie asked me. " What does, Lucifer want?"

"I'm not sure," I replied, pulling her closer to me. "But, I promise that I won't let him get you." I embraced her, mainly to try and relieve some stress I was dealing with. I let her go and turned back to my work, sighing at the emails that were coming in. Man, how I hated this.


Two hours passed and my shift was finally over for the day. I shut down my computer and went into my room to grab some pjs and book to help Evie and I with the situation. I slipped into some plaid, pajama pants with a gray t-shirt, and grabbed four books that I thought would help us. Evie gave me a confused look as I walked out of my room.

"Where did you get those?" Evie asked me.

"Long story." I replied, sheepishly. I could tell that she wouldn't bye it. Well shit, I thought. It wouldn't be long now.

"Let's start." I said, desperately trying to change the subject. She nodded.

"First off, what were you doing when the soil formed in your hands?"

"I think, I was looking at...the sun." Evie replied slowly.


I was astonished. Only a Spawn could do that. Or at least, that's what the legend said. Angrily, I flipped through a book title 'Elements' until I found the page I was looking for.

"Look here." I told her, pointing to a phrase written in the Language of the Spawn.

"It says that 'angels will only see the darkness of soil and decay." Evie read.

"Exactly." I replied. "So, why did your element come when you saw the sun?"

"How the hell should I know." Evie shrugged. I'm not in charge of my body."

I buried my face into my hands, more frustrated than ever. Clearly, I was getting no where with her. Thank god, it would be a Saturday tomorrow. At this point, I wanted to call it quit, yet I didn't. I knew I had to figure this out. I asked her to demonstrate the 'Earth' element and the 'trick' she did when she froze the flames. Evie completed them flawlessly! I was shocked. No angel her 'age' should have done it so perfectly. There should have been a mistake somewhere. Maybe a vine didn't form properly, or the cup I kept tossing at her should have hit her face at lease once. Nothing, not a single error. I sighed and headed to my bedroom door.

"Wait!" Evie called.

"What?" I demanded.

"I felt something during our discussion." She said, pointing to her left shoulder. "It felt like a needle stabbing there."

I walked over to her and she pulled down a small part of he blouse, to reveal a black, angel wing, tattoo on her shoulder!

"Good god." I whispered. It's true, I thought. The legend was true.

"What is it?' Evie asked.

"You are the Spawn."

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