Chapter 11

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My vision slowly came into focus. I saw a flash of light, coming from the kitchen.

"Evie." I screamed, forcing myself up. My back was hurting like hell, along with my arms and legs. I knew that something in me was broken.

"Evie!" I called again, watching as she poked her head out from the kitchen. She flicked on the living room light and ran over to me.

"Stay down." She told me, cringing at my limp state. She, quickly grabbed the pillow and blanket from the sofa. Evie pulled the blanked on top of my crumpled body, tucking it under my chin.

"No, Evie, it's fine." I assured. her. "Trust me." Evie shook her head.

"Mark, I want you to rest." She said.

"But won't you be cold." I asked. She rubbed her arms and curled up beside me on the cold, hard floor.

"N-no." She shivered. I tried to place the blanket in her but she shoved it back at me. I bit my lip and watched her lie down on the floor beside me, hugging her knees together to keep warm

~ * ~ * ~

Hours pasted. Evie had fallen asleep. I removed the blanket off of me and covered her frigid body with it. I used the last of my strength to limp to my bedroom door. I sighed and closed the door behind me. I reached for the pain medication I had on my night table. I popped two pills in, then took a swig of lukewarm water from an old, plastic water bottle I found on the floor. I hated doing this to Evie. I hated hiding and keeping important information away from her. I left my bedroom and took a peek at sleeping Evie. Right next to her was a tanned envelope. I picked it up and examined the odd letter. There was no address on the back and was marked with a symbol of a flame. Cautiously, I opened the envelope and read the letter:

Evening, Brother

This letter is to inform you about Evangeline's celebration. I expect her to be ready when i come to collect her in 23:56 hours. Of course as a way of thanking you from what you have done, I shall invite you to attend as well. Please prep her quickly. The sooner she is ready, the better. Hell is falling and I need her to make thing right.


P.S Always remember, you can't hide forever

~ * ~ * ~

"Son of a bitch!" I screamed, ripping the note to shreds.

"Mark." A voice said. "I wouldn't do that."

I turned around quickly to see a silhouette, kneeling next to Evie. I clenched my fist.

"You're lucky she's sound asleep." the voice continued.

"Fuck off, Lucifer." I spat.

The silhouette stood up. He walked over to me, the shadows that covered him, slowly revealing the face of my enemy. He yanked me by the collar and pulled me closer to him.

"Don't tell me what to do, Mark." Lucifer hissed. I pulled his hands off of me.

"Fat chance." I replied. He rolled his eyes.

"Anyway." He sighed. "I just came to drop off a letter to Evangeline." Lucifer waved a tan envelope in front of me, before setting it next to Evie.

"Hell no!" I yelled, lunging fro him. Lucifer held up one hand, creating an invisible barrier around himself.

"Hush now, brother." Lucifer cooed

"Don't call me that." I snarled. He felt Evie's hand and pulled away in shock.

"Evangeline is fucking cold." He said in shock. " She could get hypothermia."

"And, how do you know that?" I challenged him.

"This isn't the only time I've been here, brother." He replied.

"Don't call me that." I growled.

"But it's your place in the family." He grinned. "When will you own up to your true name?"


Lucifer picked up Evie and cradled her cold body in his arms.

"Well, we'll see what Evangeline has to say to that." He smirked.

He set Evie down on the sofa, staring at her pale body, sadly.

"It's a shame you never did this in the first place." He muttered. "I mean, you got your lazy ass off of the floor to go to your bloody room. Did you not think to take her off the floor?" He touched her cheek, gently and I lunged at him.

"Get your hands off her." I shrieked. He threw me to the ground and pinned me down with the heel of his shoe. I heaved shallow breaths as the heel pressed hard on my chest.

"Answer my question." He commanded. I bit my lip in shame. He smirked picking up the note off the floor and placing it at Evie's head.

"I thought you would be more open with her, since she's your responsibility." He sighed and released me. I gasped for air.

"Don't worry, now you won't have to tell her." He smiled. "Because I will." A blinding flash, brightened the room and he was gone.

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