Chapter 1

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Snow falls to the ground, ice crunching under my feet. I was walking home to my apartment, since my stupid car was getting fixed. It was a cold night, with sirens blaring in my ears and dark alleys where the homeless dwell and the gangs on the streets go to complete their dastardly deeds. Who would want to fuck with them?

As I marched down the snow covered side walk, I heard metal clanging together like symbols in a band. Two eyes stare intensively at me from the deep shadows of the alleyway.

Oh shit!

I pick up the pace only to feel a tight squeeze around my arms. Two muscular men had trapped my arms behind my back.

"Gimme your shit and nothing bad will happen to ya." A voice boomed.

The eyes that I had seen earlier approached me, revealing a burly man with pale red skin. He was holding a gun in his hand, and sucked a cigarette in his mouth. He pointed the gun at my head.

"Gimme your shit and nothing bad will happen to ya, do as I say." He repeated, his hot, whisky smelling breath blown into my face. I coughed.

"How 'bout I hook you up with a breath mint there." I retorted with a smirk. "It's never right to rob someone when you have bad breath." The lead attacker's face became a deeper shade of red. I could practically see steam emerging from his ears.

He was hella pissed.

The lead attacker grabbed my neck and pins me to the one, one of the men pointing the gun at my head.

"Why don't you shut up, you bitch." He spat. " I can kill you in an instant. Don't underestimate me."

I narrow my eyes at him , hiding the pain that I felt as he strangled me.

"Well," I replied. "Don't underestimate me."

I gave him a big kick in the crotch, somehow causing the second guy to remove the weapon from my head. I took this as an opportunity and bolted down the street. The sound of curse words and gun shots were getting closer. I dodged some of the oncoming bullets. One grazed my leg pretty good and another nipped the side of me. I was running slower than before. Probably weak from the blood loss and the amount of running.

Oh fuck, they are gonna catch up to me now.

Suddenly, as if it was out of a movie, a beam of light appeared in front of me. A young girl materialized and stared up at me. Her eyes were red with anger, her shiny black hair streaked with the same red as her eyes. Her clothes were slightly goth, at least what I would consider goth but otherwise normal. She looked over at the three men who were charging towards me, the lead attacker in particular. I stepped in front of her, trying my best to shield her from the rain of bullets that would soon shower down onto me. The girl them stepped in front of me, eyes fixed on the men that were staring down on her.

"Beat it." my attacker commands the girl. She refused.

"Stay away from him." She replied.

The man with the gun pointed it at the girls head. She didn't even flinch.

"Say that one more time, you bitch." He snarls.

The girl held out one of her hands and I watched in shock at the gunman is propelled backward, crashing into every object that was in his path before finally collapsing on top of a passing car. One of the men runs away in horror as the lead attacker lunged at her. She holds out both of her hands again and the two men were suddenly frozen in place! I gasp and slowly step back. The girl looks back at me for a moment before chanting something in a foreign language. I knew what it was.

It was the Language of the Spawn, the devil's language.

She must be an angel, to the devil. What else could explain those powers and the special chant?

I watched in horror as the two men drop to the ground. Frantically, I felt for a pulse. There were none on both of them. This demonic angel girl had killed them! I grabbed her wrists and we bolted down the side walk to my apartment. I had to protect her. She was my new responsibility and I couldn't risk losing another one. Not like last time.

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