Chapter 4

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I had no idea what to think when I saw the water shoot out of Mark's hands. Was that just how humans were? As we climbed into his vehicle, I decided to hold off on asking my question. I didn't see it getting anywhere. He would probably ignore me like he usually did. We drove in silence back to the apartment, the glow of the sun slowly dimming until there was only a small yellow light in the low end of the sky.

"You need to learn to control you, Evie." Mark suddenly spoke up. I nodded and opened my palms. A bright orange flame hovered over both of them.

"Holy shit!" Mark shouted. "Not in the fucking car, Evie." Realizing my mistake, I clasped my hands together and smoke weaved its way through the crevices in between my fingers. I had done it! I had stopped my flame.

"At least nothing caught fire." Mark muttered.

I stared in shock at my hands and slowly opened them. This time, puffs of smoke floated from my palms and slowly, filled the car. Mark sucked in a deep breath and open my window. A long string of smog escaped from the car and swirled around in the twilight air. I hung my arm out as the last of the smoke trailed away, disappearing into nothing.

~ * ~

Night fall came once we arrived at the apartment. Once we got in, I decided to take my rightful place on the couch because Mark was being a bitch and wouldn't let me sleep in his bed. Jerk.

"G'night." Mark sighed and went to his room, I once mistook for a bathroom.

"Night." I called, snatching the blanket from the side of the sofa and adjusted my pillow so that it was resting comfortably under my head. My vision blurred as I am transported to a silent, dark trance.

~ * ~

Bang, bang!

I am awoken to the sound of hands slamming on the door. I looked at the wall clock. It was only 3: 30 a.m. Who the fuck would come at this hour? I tried to ignore the knocking and go back to sleep. Even though I was scared stiff, I still wanted to have my sleep. Suddenly, it stopped. The adrenaline rush from earlier subsided. I was surprised that Mark never heard it.

"Evangeline." A voice purred. Frantically, I looked around. Off the corner of my eye, I saw, movement lurking in the shadows. The moment my eyes saw the figure, my heart stopped and my blood ran cold. Standing in front of me was King of Nightmares

Lord of the Underworld.

Ruler of Hell.

Lucifer, the devil.

Anger came flooding back to me. From when he stabbed me. From when being shoved into that portal. to Earth, and for never being the true father that I wanted. Then again, what 'good' do you expect from a being that only knew of sin?

"Evangeline, I have been so worried about you." Lucifer said, leaning down to hug me. I shoved him away. He frowned at , displeased with my actions. Like I gave a shit.

"Has Mark been treating you well?" He asked me. I stared at him in shock.

"How do you know of him?" I asked.

"I know sinners when I see them, Evangeline." He replied. Lucifer made his way to Mark's bedroom. "Besides, he is the worst I have seen." He continued, opening the door. I jumped in front of him and shut the door, ignoring the strange books that were strewn across the floor.

"Stay away from him." I spat, my eyes narrowed and stern. I formed another ball of fire in my hand and hurled it at him. The flames knocked him back, hitting his jacket a the wall that was now behind him. Oh shit. Mark would kill me, I thought.

"Evangeline," Lucifer cooed. "That is no way to treat your daddy." He did one sweeping motion with his hands and the flames on his jacket incinerated. He grabbed me by the neck and pinned me against the wall where the flames where. The blazed licked my skin; I bit my lip to try and ignore the pain.

" How does it feel?" Lucifer smirked. I closed my eyes to avid looking into his blackened orbs.

"Lucifer please, tell me, why you are here?" I begged, trying to pry his strong fingers off of my neck. He had a good grip around it, digging his pointed nails into them. Lucifer grinned an released me. I fell to the ground and rubbed my neck. The pain was unbearable, from the flames that still were nipping at my back and legs, to the twisting and strangling of my neck. . I looked at him, glaring into his sinister-looking eyes. He smirked. I knew he liked seeing me writhing in pain.

"When the clock strikes twelve, Evangeline." He said. "It'll be the last breath you take." There was a sudden white flash and I am hurled backwards. The room melted into view. I looked to see the walls, perfect and intact. I crawled to the mirror that was left of me, and examined my back. There were no burnt marks on on my black blouse, nor were there on my plaid leggings. Even the red markings that were on my neck from when Lucifer grabbed me disappeared. How strange? Off the corner of my eye, I saw a folded piece of paper. I crawled to it and opened it. It read:

Remember, L

I read it over and over again. I knew what this was. It did have something to do with Lucifer or 'L' said. But what did it mean? Frustrated, I did the one thing I have never done in my life. I cried. Hot wet tears streamed down my face, falling like a downpour to the floor. I heard a doorknob turn. I, quickly turned towards the sound. A figure stood in the doorway to Mark's room. It rushed over to me. At that moment, the tears had blurred my vision. I assumed that it was Lucifer, coming to torture me again.

"Don't hurt me please." I screamed, scooting back towards the wall. The blurred figure knelt down and used its fingers to wipe away my tears. I could finally see who it was. It was Mark, in his T-shirt and Batman pajama pants. His hair was tousled and his eyes had a look of concern etched in them. Without thinking, I embraced him and continued to cry. He rubbed my back and whispered, 'It's okay' continuously into my ear. No it wasn't, I thought. It wasn't at all.

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