Chapter 5

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I couldn't understand why Evie was crying. Was it a nightmare? Did something in the apartment scare her? I held her in my arms and rocked back and forth, hoping that it could calm her down.

"Why don't you get some water." I suggested. She nodded, got up and went to the kitchen.

As I stood up, I saw a small, slip of paper, sitting by my feet. I picked up the note and flipped it over to the front. In bold, cursive letters, it read:

Remember -L

"Oh my God."

I stared in shock. Evie walked in with a tall glass of water in her hand.

"Mark?" She said in a concerned voice. "What's going on?"

The note slipped through my fingers. Evie handed me her glass of water but I refused to take it.

"You had a vision, didn't you?" I asked her. She nodded slowly. I knelt down so that we were at eye level.

"Tell me what happened."

Evie explained, in detail, everything she saw in her vision. How she heard knocking at the door. How Lucifer appeared and dared to speak with her. How he came into my room and Evie lit him on fire and how the flames spread to the walls as Lucifer man-handled her.

" The last thing Lucifer ever spoke were." She paused and gulped down the remaining ounce of water that was in her cup.

"Go on. I coaxed her."

"He said ' When the clock strikes twelve, it'll be the last breath I take'."

I was horrified. Lucifer was coming. She was his next victim. But why? Before I could ask, I saw the sun rise off the corner of my eye, illuminating the room with a soft, pink, glow. Morning meant daylight. Daylight meant work. Our work along with my shitty ass work.

"Wait here." I told her, rushing to my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it, just so that Evie wouldn't see my endless pile of secrets. I rummaged through my books that were scattered across the carpet, until I had found it. It was a lengthy book, with strands of loose threads peeking out since the book was so old and worn. I sighed to myself. I hope that this'll work, I thought. I left my room and saw Evie lying down on the couch. Her eyes were no longer swollen, yet I could still tell that her heart was aching in pain.

"Well," I said, breaking the silence. "I found something that might help us." Evie smiled, a sad smile, and got up to make room for me to sit on the couch. I flipped the book open to a marked page and pointed to an image of a angel being stabbed with a golden dagger, by a tall man with read and black attire. He had cold black eyes with a twisted smile spread across his face, along with massive black wings.

"Lucifer." She gasped.

"Yeah," I replied. "Lucifer must sacrifice chosen demonic angels. It's so that he can gain power over them."

"Why?" Evie asked.

"His main reason was to keep the angels in check so that they wouldn't start-"

"A rebellion." Evie finished.

"How did you know?" I asked her.

"Lucifer told me a long time ago.

"I'm not surprised." I responded. "Lucifer would do that."

"How would you know?"

"Because I know him."


Evie began flipping through pages till one caught her eye. It was a picture of an angel with large wings and jet black hair obscuring his facial features, along with a black top hat sitting on his head. I slammed the book shut, almost crushing Evie's fingers.

"I have work now, Evie." I told her. She nodded and left to the kitchen. I immediately, snatched the book and hurried to my room, making sure to close the door behind me.

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