Chapter 12

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I woke up and found Mark on the floor beside me. I sat up and noticed that I was on the sofa. Wait, I thought. How did I get here? I rubbed my eyes and saw a letter, resting on the pillow. As I reached for it, Mark sprung to his feet and snatched the letter away from me. I gasped.

"I can't have you read this." He said .

"Why?" I asked. He bit his lip.

" Because, it's my letter." He said quickly, before rushing into his room. The door closed with a loud 'bang' and I'm left alone in the living room. I slowly, slipped out of the blanket and left to the kitchen. The sun was just rising, a light-ish pink glow reflecting from the window to the white, kitchen table. I sat down by the window, frowning at the beautiful sunrise. I was beginning to grow agitated by the way Mark was acting to me. He seemed to feared me. Something was going on, and I had to find out.

"Oh shit!" A voice screamed. I raced out of the kitchen, to find Mark,ruffling his hair in frustration.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Oh, nothing ." He assured me, smiling. "Although, I do need to stop at the store to get some stuff."

"Should I come?" I asked.

"Hell no." He exclaimed. " I can't risk having your powers exposed."

"You say that every time." I snorted.

Trust me it's for your own good." He replied. " Now be good and don't do crazy shit." With that, he slammed the front door shut.

~ * ~ * ~

I sat down on the sofa, engaging myself into the art of levitation. I watched the books soar around the apartment, pens and pencils chasing after them in mid air. As I watched the floating objects, I looked over at Mark's bedroom, and noticed that the door was open.

"That's odd." I mumbled to myself. I let the books, pens and pencils, fall to the ground and walked towards it. I looked through it and saw textbooks strewn across the floor. A laptop was sitting on the bed with papers surrounding it. On the night table, I saw a tan envelope, resting next to several pill bottles.

"My letter." I grinned as I took one step into the room. I bit my lip knowing that this would be a wrong move to make. Mark will kill me, I thought. I closed my eyes and stepped inside.

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