Chapter 17

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A/N: Warning, mentions the word 'rape' and strong language. Note that I am not using rape as a joke because RAPE IS NOT A JOKE! other than that please enjoy.

~ Evangeline ~

I was unfamiliar with the streets of New York (as Mark called it), so when I fled the apartment, I didn't know where to go. I wandered around from ally way to ally way avoiding people as best I could. Fortunately there wasn't anyone around so I thought I would be safe.

Boy was I wrong.

I turned into a giant ally as a set of footsteps walked behind me. I whipped my head around only to see nothing but the faint glow of street lights. Cautiously, I turn back around and I am greeted with the smell of alcohol and smoke.

"Hey, girly." A voice croaked. I stared up at the masculine silhouette that blocked my way. At the time I wan't familiar with the term 'rape'. However, I don't think it mattered.

"Beat it," I snapped, pushing his thin stomach out of the way like it was nothing. He slammed hard against the wall, yet got up with ease. He shoved me against the wall, yanking my arms behind my back.

"Feisty kitty aren't ya?" He snickered, pulling my arms harder. I stared at the wall in annoyance. "How 'bout 'cha drop 'em so I can see where your kittens are kept."

I smirked and chanted the word 'flame'in language of the spawn. All at once my hands were engulfed in a ball of fire. My attacker jumped back in surprise. I slowly walked towards him snickering. I pressed my hands together to create a massive flame.

"Who's the pussy cat now?" I snickered holding the flaming ball over my head. The strange drunken mam laughed psychotically. I lowered the flame slowly. What the hell was this guy on?

"You are!" He yelled triumphantly and a twister of fire emerged from the palms of his hand. Oh shit. The flames wrapped around my body and burned my flesh. The man yanked me closer to him and I could finally see his face. I gasped. The man snickered.

"Welcome home, daughter."

EvangelineWhere stories live. Discover now