Chapter 9

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I heard movement around the apartment as I woke up from my sleep. I left my bedroom, only to find Evie tangled in a vine. I only assumed she made it.

"Uhh...a little help." She asked, impatiently. I rolled my eyes and tugged at one of the vines. It didn't give in. I sighed.

"Try burning it." I told her.


"Say 'flame' in the Language of the Spawn."

Evie nodded and said the word. Flames engulfed her hands and turned the intertwined vines into piles of ash.

"How did you know I could do that?" She asked me.

"Books can teach you a lot of things." I said, quickly. Evie shrugged and walked away. As she left to the kitchen, I saw the note card Lucifer had left behind, resting on the floor. Two days left, I wondered. What could that mean? I sat down on the couch, and stared at the note card, puzzled by the message that was on it.

"Hey Mark." Evie called me.


"Come look at this."

I approached the kitchen, a strong aroma of smoke and toxins, weaving into my nose.

"Fuck, Evie!" I exclaimed. "What the hell?" In the kitchen, a house plant, I had, was on fire, flames spreading to the wooden table. I heard the fire alarm sound in the distance.

"I thought it was cool." Evie said in defense. I coughed, uncontrollably slowly falling to the floor.

"Mark!" Evie screamed, before my eyes were forced shut and my world turned to black.

~ * ~ * ~

"I'm surprised you never told her yet." A voice said.

I was lying down on a black, marble floor, in front of a golden throne. Lucifer's throne.

"I will never tell her." I snapped at the voice.

It laughed. I clenched my fist.

"Just remember, Mark." The voice growled. "You can't hide forever." I went silent for a moment as the voice snickered silently.

"Well anyway," The voice continued. "Evangeline's birthday is a day away. I heard she's turning 14."

"You are never going to have her." I snarled, searching for Lucifer's presents. I didn't find him.

"Can't a father see his daughter on her special day?" Lucifer's voice asked. I frowned.

"Sing 'happy birthday' to her, okay?" The voice said.

"Never." I snarled.

The voice didn't say anything for a moment.

"Fine, then I will." It finally replied

The room began to fade away. I saw a brief glimpse of Lucifer's silhouette. I lunged forward but was stopped by an invisible force. Lucifer laughed.

"See you soon." He said, for the last time. "Brother."

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