Chapter 6

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I sat at the kitchen table staring solemnly at the white walls. The words he said to me? What could they have meant? I sighed and looked behind me to see Mark on the phone again, talking with another client. I didn't bother to go to the living room. The visions I had seen seemed to real and to traumatic, at least to me. No need to shed any more tears.

In the kitchen, there was a large window with a bench to sit on. It was my favorite place to be. It had a beautiful view of New York, I loved that. I sat on the bench and glanced at the small cars below, speeding down the streets. The sunlight streamed through the window, casting a yellowish glow on my tanned skin. Beyond the gray buildings and streets where hills. Hills with lush green and yellow foliage and thick trunks for trees. The dips within them reminded me of how water ripples and waves bounced up and down. Why haven't I noticed it before?

As I stood up to go and put my glass away, I felt a strong pain erupt in my hands. I bit my tongue to hod back my cry, as I curled my hands into a fist. After about 5 minutes of me jumping around like an idiot, the pain abruptly stopped. I looked down at the fists and saw brown specks escaping through the small crevices in between my fingers. I, slowly opened the palms of my hands to reveal two mounds of dirt, resting neatly them.

"You created those?" a voice said. I turned around, only to find Lucifer, standing in the doorway to the kitchen. His eyes were fixated on the mounds of dirt I had in my hands. I clenched my fists, the dirt falling from my fingers.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

"Making sure that my plan is working." Lucifer replied, bluntly, "That's all."

"What plan?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. "Tell me now or I'll-."

"You'll what?" Lucifer chuckled. "Throw a pile of fucking dirt at me?"

"No." I spat with rage. I will have it rain hell fire to hopefully burn your stupid, little ass."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow as I held up one hand that was still caked with dirt.

"Flame." I said aloud, waiting for my inner blaze to emerge from the palms of my hands. Nothing happened. I heard Lucifer cough a small laugh, but I didn't let that discourage me.

"Flame." I said again. Still, nothing happened.

"Okay," Lucifer said. "I am loosing my patients." My eyes widened with fear.

"Wanna see what REAL flames look like?" He sneered, emphasizing on the word, 'real'. All at once, both his hands were engulfed in bright, orange flames. He inched towards me, smirking as I shuffled backwards, slipping and falling, from the dirt I had, unintentionally, scattered on the floor.

"Here you go." Lucifer grinned maliciously, hurling the two balls of fire at me. Hopeless and afraid, I held up one of my hands and closed my eyes, cringing as one of the flames touched my skin. But, that was it. Not one of the other flames singed me. I opened my eyes and to my amazement, the two flames were hovering in mid air.

"What the fuck?" The devil exclaimed. I extended my arm and watched at the flames launched back at him, hitting his coat but not engulfing it in flames. He smirked at my "attempt" of weakening him.

"It's funny how you think that you will win in the end." Lucifer cackled, chucking another flame at me. I held up a hand and stopped it in mid flight.

"Hate to break it to ya." He continued, now wielding a golden knife. I gasped, for it was the golden dagger I had seen in Mark's book. He chucked it, the tip pointed towards me.

"That won't be the case." Lucifer said. I held up my hands again, knowing in the back of my mind that this was the end and I was fucked. Suddenly, something remarkable happened. Vines weaved out of my palms, stopping the dagger and wrapping around Lucifer. I grabbed onto one end of the vine an tugged. The vines' grip around Lucifer tightened and strangled him. He laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I just think that it is hilarious that you think that you're so 'powerful' with this Earth element."

"Earth element?' I questioned.

He ignored me and continued. "Just remember, my beautiful Evangeline. This won't be the last time Daddy visits you." He chanted the 'halt command' in the Language of the Spawn. The vines released him and immediately turned to dust. I stood there in shock as Lucifer walked over to me and planted a kiss on my forehead. A blinding, white light, flashed in front of me, and Lucifer was gone. I was left alone in the kitchen once again, clueless and frightened. I noticed a small slip of paper flutter in the air, in Lucifer's place. A hand, snatched it mid air and Mark walked into the kitchen.

"I saw everything." He said, lowering me down onto the bench by the large window. I stared down at the floor where the dirt still lied.


He didn't reply and only handed me the small slip of paper. Reluctantly, I flipped open the paper.

Two Days Left ~ L

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