Chapter 8

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(WARNING: Contains references to Christianity. Please note that it is fake and that IT IS JUST A BOOK!)

It felt as if my whole world exploded in front of me. How can I, a premature demonic angel be the legendary, Spawn? I turned back to Mark, who shared the same surprised expression as I had.

"Are you fucking with me?" I asked him. "Is this some kind of sick joke?"

"No." He responded, taking out a book from the stack of text books by his feet. It was smaller, compared to the rest of the books and had no title on the cover.

"Read this." Mark said. " That is, if you don't believe me." With that, he carried the rest of the books back to his room, shutting the door behind him.

I looked down at the broken book that lied on the coffee table next to me. Hesitantly, I picked it up and flipped to the first page.

"The Spawn is a mythical being that resembles a half human, half angel appearance. Its true origins are unknown, but some speculate that it originated from Christian Mythology." I read.

"It is said to be the most powerful angel ever to exist. The Spawn can master all 4 elements of the Earth, along with ability to take souls to 'Hell' and destroy them. Its appearance is as follows: black pits for eyes, monstrous black wings, pale skin, claws for fingernails, and long, black mane of hair."

I paused to look at myself in the mirror on the left wall. Other than my long, black hair and and pale skin, I didn't match any of its characteristics. Still, somehow, I will be the Spawn. 'There must be some other traits I may have', I thought to myself. I flipped through the book until I found a page, titled "The Legend"

"The Spawn was said to be created by the devil, to bring balance to the demonic angel race. According to the legend, there was once a time when the demonic angel rebelled against the devil and his army of demons. The Spawn was said to had level the angels' powers by killing over half of their population. While the Spawn was completing the task, a 'Supreme' demonic angel by the name of Theodynis, stabbed the Spawn with the golden dagger, stopping it from wiping out the whole population of the demonic angel race. He cursed the blood that was spilled, to be only reborn when the weakened Spawn regained it's strength in it's 14th year of existence. "

~ * ~ * ~

When I finished the chapter, I skimmed the text to see if there was any information on the strange tattoo that had appeared on my shoulder. There was none that I could see.

"Ha!" I laughed, triumphantly. " See, Mark? I told you. I'm not the Spawn." I turned to his bedroom door, only to hear loud moans and snoring coming from behind it. I sighed and placed the text on the coffee table. I curled up into a little ball on the couch and closed my eyes.

~ * ~ * ~

I smelled the pungent scent of burning flesh and smoke as I woke up. All around the landscape were massive fires, incinerating the land, and winged creatures rising and falling from the sky. Angels, I , soon realized. They were demonic angels. As I traveled through the battle fields of 'Hell', I came across a tall castle that seemed to still stand, despite the chaos that surrounded it. A large, black and red beast emerged from it, his black eyes glowing, with the reflection of the fires. I recognized him as Lucifer, at least in his true form. In his arms, was an "undeveloped" demonic angel. Lucifer chanted something in the Language of the Spawn, and the small angel began to glow. It began to kick and scream in which. Lucifer began to calm the child. I peered at him closely, ignoring the violence and cries of death that was happening. I had never seen Lucifer so kindhearted and so fatherly to a young one. He was never like that with me, from what I remembered. As I watched him father the child, I saw him do the unthinkable. He launched it up into the air, nearing the surface of the Earth.

"No!" I cried.

The child let out a bone-chilling screech as flames engulfed its body. The demonic angels watched in horror, as the young angels body burned, releasing strong rays of 'heavenly' light. One by one, the demonic angels exploded into clouds of ash. 'What was going on?,' I wondered, scanning the sea of smog that that spread across the land. One angel, in particular wasn't hit with the blast of light though. The light never reached him as he flew up to the burning angel. He grabbed her and pulled her down to the ground.

"No!" Lucifer screamed.

The two plummeted down, crashing into the ground below. I rushed over to the crash sight. Right away, I noticed the would over the child angel's heart, oozing with thick black angels' blood. The adult angel now weld a golden dagger, dripping with the child's blood.

"How could you?" I shrieked, throwing punches at the monster of an angel. My hands penetrated through him as if he was invisible. Suddenly, my surroundings began to dissolve into nothing. I tried to flee the disappearing landscape. I knew I had to get more answers from this place. My feet were frozen in place as the monstrous, angel, faded away before my eyes. He turned around to face me, even though I knew he couldn't see me, or could he?, I wondered. His piercing, green eyes, seemed uncannily similar to Mark's, along with his jet, black hair and light-ish tanned skin. Wait, I pondered as the Supreme angel slowly disappeared. Was that angel, Mark?

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