Chapter 1

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I walked through the school halls with my head down staring at my shoes. I tucked a piece of hair that was in dire need of a redye behind my ear. I opened my locker and shoved some books in it and took the ones I needed for English out. I closed and locked it finally looking at the damage. Permanent marker was all over it. Freak. Outcast. Fag. Lesbo. Go kill yourself. Emo. Bitch. Other stuff similar was written on it. I felt tears threaten to fall when I walked away. Soon there won't be room for more I thought bitterly.

I shuffled my way to class when I felt hands push me down. "Freak." The guy mumbled as he walked on. I collected my stuff and made it to the class room hearing an occasional comment. I sat down in the back like usual and waited for class to start, writing in my notebook. I tuned in when the teacher mentioned a new student. I saw a guy with black hair, light brown eyes, tallish compared to me and was dressed in almost all black. That was his first mistake. I wondered how long he would last when the teacher told him to sit next to me. "Hey I'm Jake. Jake Pitts." He said to me with a kind smile which was impossible not to return. "Maya Faye." I said. "Well Maya, I think we will be great friends." He stated. I blushed and replied "if that's what you plan, then that's basically social suicide but then again so is dressing like that daily." He smirked. "I don't mind. I've dealt with it before at my last school." After that we pretty much tried to top each other about bad thing that happened to us like bullying and stuff of the like. "Ok ok! You win! Getting thrown in the trash can and having mayo pouring down your pants and being covered in glitter is pretty bad." I exclaimed laughing. The teacher shot me dirty looks that I ignored. "I smelled like that shit for a week after that!" Jake said chucking. I rolled my eyes and the bell rang. "See you around Jakey!" I said. "You too MayFaye!" He replied and we parted ways. I was still giggling about that a couple hours later when the end of school bell rang.

I got my stuff in a brighter mood then usual and was about to walk home when I noticed a strange lack if teasing. It was too much to hope that they stopped the bullying and I remembered Jake saying his 8th hour was math. I ran over to that side if school when I saw a group of kids yelling shit like "kill the fag!" And "die emo die!" I know so original. I pushed m way through and saw the main jock Rick beating the shit out if Jake. A surge of horror shot through me and I pushed everyone aside. A teacher came and distracted the group. As they scattered I grabbed Jake and helped him to his car. "Thanks." He mumbled and got out his keys. I rolled my eyes and tools them from him.

I forced him into the passenger seat and went to the drivers seat. I headed out hoping I could pass as an older person with a license. I drove to y house ad helped him inside. I made him sit on the kitchen counter and grabbed the first aid kit. I checked the time. I had about an hour before he had to leave. I wiped away the blood and cleaned the cuts. He had no broken bones and with a couple band aids he looked fine. I looked him over once more and stepped back to admire my work. "Yup! All is good." I said. Tears stung my eyes ad I quickly wiped them away before they fell. "I know I'm just too beautiful." Jake said trying to get me to laugh. I tried to smile but it came out as more of a grimace than anything. I looked down and said "Sorry about the kids at school. I didn't think that the bullying would get that bad so fast." Quietly. I cried and he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "Don't worry about them. I'm fine! I promise. No need to cry the first day you met me!" He said and I wiped away the tears and returned the hug. He went home a while after that and I was left alone. I locked the door to my room and hid. Soon after my abusive father and wimp of a mother came home.

He unlocked my door and took his anger out on me. I took it sobbing like the wimp I am. The fight had been beaten out of me years ago. I thought of my new found friend when they went out again.

Two years later

"We're juniors now!" I yelled to my best friend when he answered. "I know it's so cool!" Jake said unenthusiastic. "Please don't be mad at me still!" I begged. I heard him mumble something. I sighed an said good bye. We had been drifting since he got a girlfriend and he was angry with me for going out with a guy he didn't like. I only did it to get his attention but now he hardly talked to me.

A couple days later

"SHE'S A WHORE AND YOU KNOW IT! SHE HAS CHEATED IN YOU THREE TIMES! WHY DO YOU KEEP TAKING HER BACK WHEN YOU KNOW SHE'LL HURT YOU?!?!" I screamed at Jake. "I LOVE HER! JUST STOP! Stop talking to me! Leave me alone. Erase my number and everything. Forget about me forever. I don't want to ever see or hear from you again!" He yelled back. I ran to my car and drove to the park. I stopped and sat there sobbing. Jake had helped me through everything and he ha let a stupid girl get between us. They would break up in less then a week, I just knew it. I wondered if he had regretted his words...

Present day

"What the hell Amie?!" I yelled as my best friend smacked me upside the head. "I was telling you about the concert I will drag you too tonight and you spaced out!" She pouted. Typical. My best friend Amielia James had long dark brown hair with a deep purple stripe in it. Her hazel eyes and petite body helped her immensely with guys. Me on the other hand had black hair with blood red tips and a rather curveless body. We might both be twenty but she was the one who looked like it. I rolled my eyes. "Oh what was the name again? Black veil something or another?" I asked and earned a horrified gasp. "Black Veil Brides! They are amazing and godly!" She yelled. "Here let me play some of their music." She then put on some screamo ish music that sounded surprisingly really good. Soon I was tapping my feet and fingers while Amie had a look of triumph on her face.

"Ok they are pretty good. You should get ready now." I said and she dragged me to her room to get ready. She put on one of their band tshirts, black skinny jeans, converse and set me up in a similar outfit. She put a beanie on her head and fixed her makeup. I tugged at my shirt and saw a familiar face on it. My heart stuttered and I looked in disbelief as I saw a person who looked like Jake on the shirt. I shook my head and brushed it off. There was no way that it was him. Life wasn't full of coincidences like that. Soon we were on our way to the venue ad she was practically vibrating with excitement. I can't lie, I was super excited too.

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