Chapter 2

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We got to a spot fairly close to the front and started screaming along with other fans. I laughed when the lead singer came up to the mic and some chick screamed that she wanted to have his baby. He chuckled and said "ARE YOU READY?! Good. We are Black Veil Brides." He said. "This is one you should know. Here is Knives and Pens." Then they started playing the song Amie played for me earlier. Andy's beautiful blue eyes rained the crowd and I screamed with them. His angelic voice and demonic scream rang out through the room to all the fans. I studied the rest of the band and saw they all were clad in black and warpaint. My eyes found their way to one of the guitarists and my heart stopped. I stared open mouthed at Jake Pitts up on stage rocking out, right at home. Just like e had always dreamed of. Part of a huge rock band. He glanced at me and looked away only to look back in disbelief. He surprised me by smiling down at me face filled with irony.

"Looks like Jake Pitts' got it for us huh?" Amie yelled at me. I looked at her in horror. She didn't even realize what was going on. I had never told her aboutJake. Like ever. No hints or anything. All the pain of what happened rushed back at me and I dealt tears threaten to run free. I calmed myself and kept my eyes glued to the other band members. I did my best not to notice that Jake still had the same hazel eyes, kind face, or black hair. Or that he was an amazing guitarist. I wondered if he was still with that whore. Soon the concert ended and the band ,or more Andy, said goodnight. I was relieved when I thought we would leave right up until the point when Amie said she had meet and greet passes. Shit. My heart sank with every step we took towards the band.

I hid behind her when it was out turn to go to the signing. I looked straight ahead or at the floor until I heard a familiar person clear their throat. "Hey MayFaye. Long time no see." Jake said. I had half a mind to get mad and cuss him out but then I noticed Amie's expression. I was going to get chewed out so bad when we got home. "Yeah." I said lamely and hoped that I could turn invisible. "Call me. We need to catch up." Jake said writing his number on my arm and smiling knowingly at me. I grimaced back and followed Amie away.

"Ok so you know Jake Pitts. The Jake Pitts?! The guitarist for freaking Black Veil Brides!" She yelled at me. "Knew. I knew him. He was my best friend in high school. Junior year we got in a fight and I never talked to him after that. I didn't know he was in this band or I would never have come." I said glumly. This was one if the worst nights ever. "On the bright side Andy is really cute!" I said trying to make her smile. No luck. "Spill it. Every detail from how you met to the Big Fight. Right this second." She said standing in the middle of the parking lot.

I sighed knowing that she would be determined enough not to move an inch until I told her. I spilled out everything. The whole story. All three years. When it came to the fight I cried all over again over the best friend I lost over some stupid slut. Amie hugged me as I sobbed. "Don't worry sweetie! Unless the sluts name is Ella you have nothin to worry about!" She said and I laughed shaking my head. "Who is Ella?" I asked. "She is my girlfriend now." I heard a deeper voice day behind me. I whipped around to see Jake. I felt my cheeks turn red and I looked down. "So how long have you been standing there?" I asked. "Long enough to hear the whole story from your point of view." He replied smiling at me. I smiled back and my butt vibrated. I yelped and jumped five feet in the air before I finally realized it was my phone. I quickly took it out laughing and checked the caller ID. I rolled my eyes. It was my drunk ex boyfriend. I answered it and Amie immediately took it from me and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" I said. "Hey babe! How iss zchu?" He slurred back. "One I'm not your babe anymore and two I'm fine. Your obviously drunk so why don't you hang up and leave me the hell alone." I replied. Our break up was pretty bad. I caught him cheating on me on our date and ever since then every couple of days I got a call from him when he was completely drunk off his ass. "Aww don't be likes thas! You know I lovies chu! Give me another chance! I'm at sure place. Vy don't you come and we cans properly make ups." "Goodbye Brian." I said and pressed the end call button. I looked at Amie. "I guess we aren't going home tonight. Do you think anyone will let us spend the night?" I asked because he would probably pass out at my door and not leave until morning like he usually does. She gave Jake a pointed look and he sighed. "Today is the last day if the tour and we aren't going anywhere. You can stay on the bus with us if you would like. We have an extra bunk." He suggested. I looked at him weirdly because we haven't talked in forever and now he was offering us to stay with him. I shrugged and followed him to the bus with Amie close behind.

***sorry these chapters are kinda small. They are super long on my iPod! Comment, vote, and fan pretty pretty please?

Hey Bright Eyes! Can You See Me? (An Andy Beirsack fanfiction)[ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now