Chapter 7

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Ashley's POV

I looked around yet again at the almost empty Starbucks hoping to see Alex walk in. The bell rang and I saw her face light up as she saw me. She hid her happiness so well I almost missed it. "Hey." She said nervously. I grinned at her and nodded. I leaned forward and rested my crossed arms on the table. "So am I forgiven or no?" I asked. "I was told there was nothing to be forgiven." She replied raising an eyebrow. "Well you were told right. I was just making sure." I told her and stood up. She copied me being used to my unusualness by now. I took her hand and led her to my car, even opening the door for her. She slid in and I took in her beautiful face covered with unneeded makeup. Her striking green eyes glanced up at me when I slid into the drivers seat and started the car.

My heart beat faster as I worried about what she would say when she saw where we were going. I've done this and been that all the time because last time I showed a girl sappiness of any kind I was left with a bleeding heart standing in an empty road. A tightness in my chest formed when I thought of the girl that caused it. Whatever, no big deal. I shrugged it off and looked at the beautiful girl next to me. God she turned me into a sap! I thought to myself. She smiled at me uncertainly and said "Arent you suposed to be watching the road instead of me?" I grinned and replied "I should but you're so much more interesting..." She laughed and shook her head turning her beautiful eyes away from me. I went back to concentrating on the road and after a while we arrived.

I studied the ugly tattered building in front of us and got out to open her door for her. "Now why does the Purdy KIng wish to be here?" she asked jokinglky. "Purdy King?" I asked and took her hand leading her to the fire escape. I let her go first and followed up almost instantly. We got up to the rather high roof and she studied the view that I brought her here to show her. "I found it the other night when I was walking around. I liked the view and wanted to share it with you." I said smiling for the first time with no cockiness or smugness or lust. She realized it and beamed at me wraping her arms around me. I kissed the top of her head and we looked out at the buildings. The roof where we were was in a short part of town so it made it seem a lot taller then it would have in the taller part of town. Not meaning short people lived here just the buildings here where smaller.

After standing in the same spot for a while I got restless ad we went back to the car. "So tinman does have a heart, doesnt he?" Alex said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and replied, "If thats what shall be said everytime I am nice then I wont do anything sweet anymore" in a warning tone. She laughed and turned on the radio quietly singing along. I listened attently to her amazing singing since it was the first time I had heard her sing and smiled to myself. We went back to her house and she dragged me to her room.

She kissed me softy and pushed me onto the bed. She slid her hands under my shirt and I let my hands wonder around her body. I took off my shirt and went back to kissing her. She smirked and trailed kisses down my exposed chest. She looked up at me as she tugged down my zipper with her teeth. I got hard as she removed my pants and took me into her mouth. I moaned and gripped her hair throwing my head back, my eyes fluttering closed with pleasure. She finished blowing me and I brought her back up so i could kiss her. I removed her clothes and threw them randomly on the floor. After I got on top I kissed her neck and slowly, teasingly, slid into her. SHe moaned for me to go faster which I gladlly did. She kept moaning my name and we reached our climax. I laid down beside her both of us brething heavily, and closed my eyes as she fell asleep. I smiled and joined her in the dream world.

Maya's POV

I looked at my phone and read the text. Andy told me that he was going to take me to the movies. 'What? Not going to ask me? -M'

'Nope! ;) - A' i laughed and texted him I would be ready in ten minutes. I went to my room and fixed my makeup and hair and changed to something more suitable. I heard the door bell ring and his boots against the floor in the hall way. "You broke in." I informed him as he wrapped him arms around my waist. I turned and kissed his cheek and he replied "Couldn't wait to see you." I chuckled and grabbed my purse. "I'm paying." He called over his shoulder as he ran to get the door for me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand.

"What are we going to see?" I asked him. "Les Miserables or something like that." He said lighting a cigarette and cracking the window to let the smoke out. "Hmmmm isn't that like a French movie or something?" I aske absently as we pulled into the parkinglot. "Yeah, I was told it was good." He replies. "I heard it was long and boring..." I drifted off as I noticed some kids in bvb clothes pointing and squeeling. They ran up and I smiled as Andy happily signed some stuff for them and posed for some pictures. We finaly got into the movie and it was packed by older people. I sighed as I mentally prepared myself for two and a half hours of pure bordem.

After the movie was over I still sat there tears running down my face. Andy looked over at my with glistening eyes and I played the last scenen in my head over and over again. "I am so so so so sorry for making you see that. I didn't know it was that sad!" Andy exclaimed making my laugh. "I can not believe that end! And that one part omg.." I trailed off drying my tears as he led me out of the theatre. "It was so good and so heart breaking!" I commented and Andy just nodded. "You're not suposed to cry on a date." he said looking down at me and smiling. Bring me to life by Evanescence came on my phone and i looked at it seeing Alex's picture come up. "Hello..." I answered and she squealed. "Haha me and Ash are back together." She informed me. "Umm ok and I'm hearing about this so late in the day because...?" I asked and suddenly figuered out why. "Nevermind please do not tell me." I quickly said before she could tell me. She laughed and hung up. "OK goodbye then. That was odd." I mumbled and walked with Andy back to his car.

yeah ummm I ran out of ideas and I actually did see Les Miserables. It was so sad but im not going to spoil it for people who read this and havent seen it yet. Yeah if you have any ideas comment or message me pretty please. vote comment fan and shit. thank you!

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