Chapter 12

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Hey! This is for  @megan_hazza_styles because I forgot to dedicate an earlier one to her! She commented on chap. 6! Love her too!!!

Maya's POV

   I twisted my ring around my finger and smiled at Andy when he came in carrying a sandwich. He took a bite before handing it to me and I ate it slowly. "Who are you touring with?" I asked hesitantly. Neither of us liked the subject but curiosity burned my thoughts. "I think it'll be Asking Alexandria." He shrugged and I instantly thought of him and Danny hitting Bryan stars with a dildo. He rolled his eyes at my barely concealed girlish giggles. He pulled me onto his lap as I finished eating and pressed his lips against mine. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." He replied in the same tone and it sent shivers down my spine. He pulled me closer and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. I trailed my hands under his shirt and he took it off. He moved his lips to my neck and I jumped when I felt his cold hands against my skin. We both were startled by the doorbell ringing. I smiled at him and he winked at me when I got up and opened the door.

   All happiness was replaced with worry when i saw Alex standing at my door with a tear stained face. "Oh my god. What happened?" I asked and hugged her. "I-I-I'm sorry." She sobbed and I took her to the living room. "Why are you sorry?" I asked freaking out a little bit. "Me... Ash.. I.. Oh my god." She sobbed and I hugged her. "Shhh. Calm down and talk to me." I demanaded softly. And she kept shaking her head. "I'm gonna have Ash's kid!" She told me looking up at me with blood shot eyes. My breath was caught in my throat. "Seriously?" I asked stupidly and she nodded. "Found out earlier today..." She explained miserably. Ash walked in and held Alex. "Are you gonna keep it?" I asked and this time Ash nodded. "I want to." I nodded and looked at Andy whose eyes were filled with mixed emotions.

   "Hey girl. It's gonna be ok." I assured her. She sniffled and looked up at us, tears suddenly gone. "I'm sorry guys. I shouldn't be crying over something like this." She said having Ash help her off the floor and wiping her tears away. Ok... "Don't be sorry. It's perfectly understandable to freak." Andy said speaking up finally. "Meh." She said smiling and sighing. "I just have no clue what Iwe're going to do." She said and Ash rubbed her back comfortingly. "Let's get a house together." He said suddenly and she looked up at him questioningly. "Seriously?" She asked a smile spreading on her face. "Yeah. Once I get back from tour. You stay with Aime and Maya to keep eachother company while me and Andy are gone and when we get back you can quit your terrible job and we can move in together." He said his face brightening up with the plan forming in his head. Alex pulled him closer and softly pressed her lips to his and me and Andy quietly walked out so they could have a moment. "It wont be that bad when i go now." He shrugged trying to smile. I tried to too but it turned to more of a grimace. "Yeah..." I trailed off and Andy pulled me into his arms. I let him hold me while various emotions swirled through my head. "I shouldn't be sa. I mean, it's your job to go out and tour and play music for your fans. I should feel lucky that i get your time while yoou're here." I said more to myself than him but he still replied. "I know the feeling. I really want to see my fans but i also want to stay here with you. I wish I could take you with me." He trailed off. I took a deep breath and pulled away mustering all my strength to smile at him. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." He said leaning down to kiss me. i pulled him closer and tangled my hands in his hair. He pulled away for breath and we smiled at eachother. "Nine months." He said. "Until what?" I asked stupidly. "Untill there is either a little mini Ash or Alex running around here." He told me smiling. "Yup." i nodded and laughed. "Oh thart outta be entertaining..." i trailed off. he raised and eyebrow and we went to check on Ash and Alex." He had a hand on her stomach like he could already feel the baby even though it was impossible and she was smiling at him.

   I mentally 'awed' and went to sit down. "Watcha guys talking about?" i asked. "Baby names." Alex answered. "OOOh! sounds intruiging!" I joked. "Very." Ash nodded and mimed shooting himself. I rolled my eyes at is silliness and for the a while we all sat around talking about baby stuff. When Alex and Ash went back to her place me and Andy decided just to go to bed because we were too bored and lazy to actually do anything productive.

(Skip to the day the guys go off on tour again.)

    I hugged Andy and handed him his suitcase. I felt tears sting my eyes and looked over at Alex to see the same reaction as she hugged Ash. I looked back into the beautiful blue eyes i loved so much and Andy leaned down to kiss me He deepened the kiss and I never wanted to let go. All to soon it ended and Andy walked away to go on the tour. Damn, four months is gonna be a long fucking time... Me and Alex smiled and waved as our boys went off on tour. I sighed. "Now let's try to get through the next months without our boys, shall we?" Alex said throwing her arm around my shoulders. i sighed and we walked back into my apartment. "Icecream?" I asked. "Chocolate please. Put marshmellows in it!" She called as I went to fetch delicious food. I got us each a pint and we sat down to watch tv. "So whats the baby's room gonna look like?" I asked her. "Dark purple or gray. Havent decided. I'm waiting to see what the house is gonna look like first." Alex shrugged and I nodded. "Can we go shopping? I mean your going to have a baby bump sooon but that deosn't mean we can't spoil you now!" I begged and she grabbed her keys. I texted Aime what we were up to and she replied that she was gonna hang out with Adam after work. Soon me and Alex were working our way through the mall to hottopic and were emptying our wallets like usual.

Hey. Sorry for the crap chapter. I tried to write but my ideas kept running away from me. I'll try to upload soon! Very soon! I know where I want this story to go, I just don't know how to get there... The baby is going to be a boy I know that much. Comment baby nams please! - Michelle

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