Chapter 3

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We hung out in the living room and I kept catching myself glancing at Andy. I didn't think anyone had noticed until I got a text from Amie.

'The only way to make it more obvious that you are crushing in Andy is if you say it out loud.-_-' -A

'Jeez! Is it that obvious?!' -M

'Yes it is but if it makes you feel better he looks at you ever so often too.'-A

'^.^ really?"-M

'Yes. Obviously. I can already hear the bells ringing at the church down the street!

I decided not to reply to that so I just rolled my eyes at her. Whatever. Jake got up and walked over to me sticking out his hand. "Umm... What?" I asked him confused. He rolled his eyes yawning and gestured at my phone. I gave it up and he messed with it. After it was passed around the room I checked my Facebook and twitter and stuff before deciding nothing was wrong with it. I found five new contacts though. PurdyBoy JeremyJinxx Batmandy CinicalComa and Jakey. Cool I thought and went to their extra bunk. "Going to bed!" I yelled and they all mumbled back at me going back to their phones and stuff. 'C.C. You spell Cinical cynical.' I texted him and soon heard a loud "dammit!" From the other room. He ripped open the curtain and took my phone and fixed it. I laughed as he left and I pulled the curtain back. I curled up in a ball and soon fell into a very needed deep sleep.

I woke up stiff and sore. I rolled over stretching when I accidentally elbowed someone in the face. "Ow!" Cried Amie. "Oh shut up! It didn't hurt that bad." I insisted and she gave me a disbelieving look. "Whatever! You weren't the one ht in the face were you?!" She accused. I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the bunk. I yawned and stretched feeling my joints pop as I did. I rubbed my eyes and looked through the fridge. "You know you shouldn't go through other people's things." I heard behind me. I tried to straighten up, but hit my head on the too of the fridge and groaned. I rubbed the bruised part of my scalp and turned to face Ash. "You shouldn't scare the crap out of people!" I accused glaring at him. He rolled his eyes and reached around me to get a water leaning a little to close for comfort.

I closed the door and put on my shoes. "Going for a walk!" I yelled making a few people wake up and groan. I stepped out side into the frigid air and wrapped my arms around myself. "Hey." I heard a deep voice say besides me. I jumped and looked over to see Andy smoking. "What is it with you people and scaring me?" I asked him. He laughed. "So where are you going at this early hour?" He asked. "Dude, it's like 9. And I am going for a walk. Wanna come?" I replied. He nodded and put out his cigarette.

We started down the sidewalk talking. I asked him about his life, how he started the band, what made him like batman, you know the usual 'get to know each other stuff'. He asked me about my life and I told him it was good (leaving out the whole abusive parenting and major bullying part of course). He then asked me little questions like favorite color and stuff. We soon reached a Starbucks which we entered. He got a coffee and I got a hot chocolate. "Why no coffee?" He asked. "Coffee is gross and hot chocolate is very delicious." I replied giving a pointed look to his drink. He smiled and took an extra long gulp from it. I pretended to almost puke and he patted my shoulder in fake sympathy. I then proceeded to burst out in giggles. Good lord I love his smile I thought. Especially when it's because of me. That thought startled me. I guess I am crushing in Andy, pretty hard I might add. "What are you smiling Bout?" He asked. I quickly wiped the goofy smile off my face and said "Nothin." He shrugged and studied my face. "Have you ever crushed on Jake?" He asked out of the blue. I nearly chocked on my drink. I coughed and finally replied "No. When he was my best friend he was more if a brother or something. Never really saw him as a crush or boyfriend. Why? Have you?" I asked fighting back laughs. "No I am most definitely straight." He replied another smile playing on his lips.

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