Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

Ash put his arm around me and I looked into his amazing chocolate eyes. Usually blue eyes were what I liked but I loved Ash's eyes. We walked into the restaurant ad were seated by some whore waitress. I noticed his eyes trailing her body and she did too. She flirted with him but he didn't flirt back. Not deemed worthy for the Purdy king I thought sarcastically. We talked while our food and drinks came. There was a hell of a lot more to Ashley Purdy than I thought. I thought he would be shallow and narcissistic but he really had a lot going around in his mind. He made himself the rep he had. But why is the question I am determined to find the answer to. I asked him a couple times about the whole 'player' thing but he just shrugs it off or jokes about it.

He looked up and out of the blue asked "Well since you ask me about being a so called player what about you? Your never with a guy for more then a month. What's up with that?" I grinned and replied "They always do or say something. Like cheat on me or tell me I should change for them. I was with a religious guy and dropped him the moment he told me to stop cussing around him. I was with this douchbag and he cheated on me so it was over. Every time. Except you Mr.Purdy. You are different from what I imagined..." He raised his brow. "Oh yeah? How am I different?" He asked. "Well here I thought you would be self involved and flirting with every girl that breathed. But your sweet and caring, even more then you let on. But you have this wall that no girl has ever passed. I wish to find out about it." I said hinting at my plan. "What if you don't like what you find?" He asked leaning in and resting his crosse arms on the table. I copied him and replied "Oh I'm sure that wont be a problem." He leaned back and shrugged. "Good luck with that Alex." I smirked at his resistance. "What is your full name Alex?" He asked. "Alexandria Jane Torack. Yours?" I replied. "No need for you to know that darlin." He teased and I rolled my eyes.

We finished our food and paid. He took my hand as we walked through town in a comfortable silence. "I should go home. I have work at 7." I stated. "Can't you skip it again?" He asked. I looked up at him "sorry babe. I've got to make money so I can pay the bills." "Yeah because the paycheck if a waitress is so good." He replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes more at the pang if hurt then him. "Well I have to do something. It's that or live on the streets or become a prostitute." I suggested. He glared at me. "You're not allowed to talk like that. No prostitution for you." I laughed. I took it as a compliment that he cared enough for me not to be one.

We came to my apartment and I let him in. I change in the bathroom as he sat in my room. "So, you hate your job right?" He asked. "Yeah duh." I replied. "It shitty with gross old guys hitting on me including my boss and it has shitty pay. It's the best I could find." I pulled my long black hair into a pony tail and left my electric blue bangs out. I brushed them and put on my hat. I sat on Ash's lap facing him. "What's up?" I asked him. "Nothin." He replied not doing anything to hide the lust in his eyes. I pushed him back on the bed and got on top of him. He grinned up at me and slid his hands over me. I pushed his shirt up and he took it off. I trailed kisses down his chest and he pulled me up to kiss me. I felt him get hard under me and I got up. He looked at me half amused and half disappointed. "Gotta go to work." I called over my shoulder and he followed me out. He walked with me down the block to the diner where I worked and told me he'd be back when my shift ended.

I served orders and cleaned tables for a couple hours until 11 pm rolled around. I turned in the order pad ad apron and grabbed my stuff. I went out to the front and looked for Ashley. I remembered what Maya had said about what she found Andy doing and sure enough found Ash sucking face with the waitress from earlier tonight. "Really? Seriously Ashley?" I called and he looked up and actually looked guilty. "Alex listen this is so not what it looks like." He said coming towards me. I rolled my eyes and tried to play it off cool. "Whatever. I'm going home now. Don't follow me." I said and turned around I heard the chicks annoying high pitch voice call out for Ash and heard his boots on the floor. That's when I started to run. He wasn't as fast as me. I was the cross country star in high school and I was wearing tennis shoes.

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