Chapter 14

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   The sea of people trying to reach the band was insane. Me and Alex were being pushed and shoved and probably bruised. We loved every second of it. We got to watch our loves rock out on stage. It was one of the best feelings ever. The crowd shifted us to the side and one of the stage hands recognized us. He pulled us to the side of the stage as soon as he saw Alexs' baby belly. The music wrapped around us like a blanket. The energy of the crowd around us and the boys jumping around was exhilarating. The way the band looked out over their fans was beautiful. Pure love and bliss shown in their eyes. Andy caught my eye and took my breath away yet again. An hour later they finished the set and after giving one last encore, they exited the stage exhausted and overjoyed. Me and Alex met up with them back stage and I automatically went to Andy and wrapped my arms around him. He picked me up and twirled me around before setting me down and kissing me. I smiled and pecked his lips again. 

   "Oh my fucking god! You never cease to amaze me when you perform!" I said and his grin widened. 

   "You never cease to take my breath away when I see you, love." He replied and held me closer. 

   I closed my eyes and felt perfectly safe and happy with his arms around me. I can't imagine anything being better then this. CC pulled us apart and gave me a bear hug. 

   "It's Maya!" He yelled happily in his childish way and I laughed. 

   "Yes it just so happens to be me." I replied sticking out my tongue and he grinned. 

   "You guys came here and Alex is still preggo with Ash's kid! Are you guys gonna stay for the rest of the tour?" CC asked excitedly.

    "Nope!" Ash said right as Alex replied "Yup!" They stared at eachother for a couple seconds and I rolled my eyes. These two were the most stubborn people when they fight. no one can ever tell who will win the argument.

   "Babe... You have to go home." Ash said quietly.

   "No I don't. Me and maya miss you guys. We drove all the way here and i don't want to go another two months without seeing you." Alex pouted and Ash smiled sadly.

   "It wont be good for Xander." He reminded her and placed his hands on her waist, pulling her closer.

   "But it's not good for me to be without you." Alex said looking at the floor.

   "I'll be home soon, my love. Two months will go by real quick. I promise." Ash whispered kising her forehead and making her look him in the eye before softly kissing her.

   She nodded and wrapped her arms around him. She held onto him for dear life and he did the same. I looked up at Andy and he was already looking at me.I kissed his cheek and we wet to sit o the couch. I curled up next to him. He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. Jinxx and Jake were sitting in the couch across from us discusing guitars. CC was twirling his drumstick, probably trying to do a new trick. The stage Hands were cleaning up and putting stuff away.

   "You know, my memories did no justice on how you look. You are much more gorgeous in real life." He whispered and I blushed.

   "You are so much more handsome and sexy in real life. I've missed you so much!" I said cuddling closer.

   "I've missed you too babe. Ever second I'm not near you I miss you." He replied kissing me again.

   "I want to stay on tour with you guys..." I muttered and he smiled.

   "You have to take care of that one 'cause Ash can't be there with her. And she's your best friend." He motioned to Alex and I rolled my eyes.

   "Do you know know how dificult it is to take care of a pregnant woman? Alex is hard enough but pregnant Alex is even worse!" I shook my head and Andy burst out laughing.

   Just then Amie and Adam walked up to use and sat down on the couch. We started a conversation about what it was like at home and having to take care of Alex. It was fun to be hanging out with everybody. Soon the rest of the band and Alex jumped in. The conversation drifted to stories about what hjas happened. We talked about Andy almost shaving his eyebrows off when he was drunk. Ash putting on glitery girlish makeup and running around yelling "Moooooo!" because of a dare. CC trying to spin around on a fan and falling on his ass. Jinxx and Jake having to try and tie Andy to the back of the bus. Just embarressing stories like that. Most of them abvout CC but it didn't seem like he was embarressed about them.It was overall the best nigfht I have had ion a while.

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