Chapter 19

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I got home from another exhausting day at work and plopped down on the couch next to Alex.

"Uuuggghh." I groaned and Alex shot me a sympathetic look.

"Long day?" She asked taking a bite of the popcorn in her lap.

"Like you wouldn't believe." I muttered and reached into the bowl to take a bite of popcorn.

"I've had a pretty relaxing day!" She spoke happily and I rolled my eyes as I put the popcorn in my mouth.

"Dude..." I mumbled after swallowing.

"Yeah?" She asked turning on Netflix.

"What did you do to the popcorn?" I grimaced as she clicked on the show The Originals.

"I put syrup on it. Tastes great." She smiled and I shook my head.

"No. So not great."

"Well then don't eat it if you don't like it." She took another bite.

"No problem. More for you." I joked and she cracked a smile before focusing on the show once more.

About thirty minutes in my phone rang and, without looking, I answered it.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"You haven't been speaking to me at all." A pissed sounding Brian growled into the phone.

"What do you expect? I've told you to leave me alone." I snapped, suddenly my mood turned extremely sour.

"I just want to talk." His voice sounding strained.

"Well I don't." I spat into the phone and promptly hung up. That asshole is getting on my nerves.

Alex looked at me with an eyebrow raised. I told her who called and she rolled her eyes. Watching tv for a little longer, I went to my room and looked at my phone for any sign of Andy contacting me. I missed him so much. He needed to be home already! As if on cue, my phone rang. Checking the caller ID, I quickly answered.

"Hey baby." His voice was like silk.

"Hey." I replied grinning ear to ear.

"I miss you Maya." He said and my heart melted.

"I miss you too! I wish you could come home already!" I told him and I heard him chuckle.

"Every day you wake up is another day closer to when I come home." He replied, trying to make me feel better.

"But you're not here when I wake up though." I whined, blushing at my own snappiness.

"Soon, love." He sounded sad.

"Anything interesting happen today?" I asked.

"Just the usual fans and concert and interviews. How about you, my love? Any good news?"

"Well, I ran into this dude I knew from my childhood the other night. His name's Ethan. He gave me his number. I feel so awkward talking to him!" I told him and he laughed.

"Not trying to replace me while I'm gone, are you?" His voice was light with an undertone of slight jealousy.

"Not in a million years." I assured him.


"Brian called me." I said after a slight moment of silence.

"Brian?" Andy asked slightly confused.

"Yeah that one dude... My ex from forever ago." I said.

"Oh?" Andy's tone asked for more information.

"Yeah. He told me he wanted to talk and I told him I didn't and then I hung up on him." I smiled as he chuckled.

"You got all kinda of dudes on your ass, don't you? Maybe I should've taken you with me on tour." He joked and I laughed.

"You should've taken me, boys or no boys." I said with slight seriousness.

"I know, dear. There's always next time." He reassured me and I rolled my eyes.

As I was about to reply I heard a bunch of noise in the backround. It sounded like some of the boys had gone out drinking from the ruckus. I heard some shouting and laughing. Andy yelled at someone and they just ignored it.

"I'm so sorry babe, but I gotta go. Some of the guys are wasted." He explained and I nodded, my happiness fading fast.

"No problem. Call me in the morning?" I asked, hating how sad I sounded.

"Of course." He replied.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Hey Bright Eyes! Can You See Me? (An Andy Beirsack fanfiction)[ON HOLD]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ