Chapter 13

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Why is this the first story to be updated on my computer? Because @BVBARMYLOVER named the baby! Mhm! Love them for helping continue the story! -Michelle

   I groaned as I heard Alex shouting my name again. "What the hell now?" I yelled walking into the livingroom. "I need more food!" She moaned holding her stomach. "At this rate you wont be able top pop that thing out cause it's so fat!" I muttered and she narrowed her eyes. "My baby will not be fat! Help me up so I can beat your ass!" She threatened trying to get up. It had been a couple months and her baby bump has hindered her movement, thank god! "Forgive me your majesty! C'mon! Let us go and get some unhealthy fast food from some shitty place that has lots of calories, just for you!" I said and she squealed with joy. I helped her up and she pulled on her shoes. "Let's go!' She yelled dragging me to my car. Yup. That's my bipolar little Alex! We got some food and decided to go shopping again. 

   "Can IO fit in this?" She asked holding up a small Sleeping With Sirens t shirt and I burst out laughing. I calmed down when I noti9ced her glaring at me. "Give it about six months hun." I sugested and she rolled her eyes. "Damn kid is cramping my style!" She muttered and i rolled my eyes. Suddenly my phone went off and I grinned in a way only one person can make me. "Hello?" I ansewred. "One month and I can see my love again!' Exclaimed Andy happily. "And who might that be?" IO asked in mock confusion. "You of course." He replied and I laughed. "I miss you Andy! You should like, come home now!" I whined. "Only a month left love. Try and make it for me?" He asked and I groaned. "Fine! I guess me and Alex will just have to meet you in one of your concerts..." I trailed off and Alex giggled. "How would you get here and wouldn't that harm Xander?" Andy asked worriedly and I heard "What about my kid?" In the backround. "Adam conveniently has a friend that has an RV and you can't say no because we already got tickets!" Alex yelled loud enough to ,make people give us annoyed glares. She spun in a circle with her midle finger raised high and we quickly walked away. I realized I had Andy on the phone still and I quickly put it to my ear. "-don't know if you gouys should be doing that while Alex is preggo!" I heard Jinxx shout. "It's funny how you gouys think you can stop us! Don't worry! Amie and Adam are coming too!" I told him. "Shit! I got to go. Interview in two minutes..." ANdy trailed off and I felt my heart sink. "Good bye my love!" I said. "Talk to you soon!" He promised before the line went dead. I sighed. "I miss my baby!" I whined to Alex. "I miss my man! My baby keeps abusing my stomach..." whined Alex and I laughed. ":et us go! We shall meet them in the city! I can't wait!" I squealed and Alex nodded vigurously. 

    *skip to going to the concert because I have no clue what to do with this story*

   I rolled my eyes as Alex fixed her hair yet again. "You look fine!" I insisted and she pouted. "What if it gets windy and messes up my hair?" She asked and I stared at her. "Calm down bro. We will be in the middle of tons of jumping teens screaming along with bvb. Your hair is not going to stay perfect." I said and she huffed. We pulled into the venue and rushed out of the car. I looked at the huge line of kids and sighed. "We are never going to get in!" Alex squeaked in despair. A fangirl squealed and ran over to us. "I know who you are..." She whispered and giggled. "What...?" Adam asked slightly freaked out. "Not to be weird! But you guys are Ashley and Andy's girls right?" She asked with a wide grin. "That would be us!" Alex said and watched the line desperately. "You wanna get in with me and  my friends? We're near the front and they wont mind. We aren't the weird ones that hate you just 'cause you're dating the bandmembers." She insisted and I hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much!" I gushed and she blushed. "Come on." She told us and we went in line with her. We talked to her and her friends as the line steadily moved closer to the doors. We got decent spots near the stage and managed to keep them through all the opening bands. Soon smoke filled the stage and people set up the stage for bvb. .My heart raced and I saw a door near the side of the stage open.

   I laughed as CC raced across the stage and jumped behind the drumset. Jake and Jinxx came out next and grabbed their guitars from some stage hands. Ash came out and raised his hands to the crowd. I swear Alex was about to fall over. She was screaming louder then any of the "Purdy Girls" in the crowd. My heart raced and my knees weakened at the sight of Andy walking out on to the stage. His eyes scanned the crowd. I caught his gaze and screamed as loud as I could. His smile was absolutely dazzling.

I updated mostly because @StolenByTheMusic commented for me to! and @1D_BieberFever commented too! LOVE THEM! FOR THEY HAVE GIVEN YOU ANOTHER CHAPTER! -Michelle

Hey Bright Eyes! Can You See Me? (An Andy Beirsack fanfiction)[ON HOLD]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon