Chapter 20

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~Skip to the day the boys get home cause any other part would be a filler and no one likes those~

Maya's POV

I sat on the edge of my bed nearly hyperventilating. I was freaking out. Andy was coming home today and I didn't know what to do with myself! I frantically looked up at my two friends in front of me. One was shaking her head and the other was in about the same state as me as she tugged her shirt over her baby bump.

"Calm the fuck down you two!" Amie crossed her arms and shifted her weight from foot to foot.

"He's gonna be back today!" Me and Alex shouted simultaneously and looked from each other to Amie.

"Just breathe! It'll be fine! They love you and it'll be happy! I promise." Amie insisted, trying to put some sense into our overthinking brains.

"Do I look ok?" Alex stood in front of the mirror and smoothed down her black jeans.

"You look fine. What about me?" I asked and stood up, running my fingers through my hair.

"You both look gorgeous! Now, let's go or we'll be late!" Amie pushed us towards the door.

Andy's POV

I bounced my leg and fidgeted with my phone. My nerves were everywhere. I glanced over to see Ashley staring out the window next to me. I caught his eyes and he turned to give me a reassuring smile.

"We'll be fine." He said, as if trying to convince himself too.

I nodded and took a deep breath. God I wanted a cigarette.

An hour later

I walked out, baggage in hand, and my four best friends by my side. The five of us clad in black, hair undone, and make-up less. I looked around anxiously. This was the place we were supposed to meet them, right? I didn't get it wrong, did I? My stomach turns as I do another sweep with my eyes and fail to see her one more time.

"Andy!" I hear my name being called and I turn towards the sound.

There she is. I feel a large smile split my face as I drop what's in my hands. My heart swells with happiness as I start to make my way through the crowd to my love.

Maya's POV

There he is. He looked so cute scanning the crowd like a lost puppy. I smile and call his name, jumping and waving like a mad woman to get his attention. His head whips towards my direction and he smiles the happiest smile when I catch his eye. He starts walking towards me and I walk to him. People start to get the hint and move aside for me. Soon, we're in a small clearing empty of people in the middle of the busy airport. We take a second just to look at each other in silence, goofy smiles on our faces. he reaches out and pulls me into a right embrace. I wrap my arms around him, afraid to let go in case this is a dream. He picks me up and spins me in circles.

"I missed you so much." He whispers in my ear and it sends shivers down my spine.

"I know. I love you." I told him and he set me down.

He looked into my eyes and brushed some hair out of my face. I pulled him closer and pressed my lips against his. He returned the kiss as powerfully as I. I heard Alex squealing next to me and knew that her and Ashley were having their own kind of reunion somewhere near us. We broke away for air after a while.

"Let's go home, Maya." Andy held my hand in his and I nodded.

"Yes. Lets. You must be exhausted." I stood on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek before leading him out if the airport, our large group of friends close behind us.

I couldn't be happier than I was at this moment.

~Yes, I'm leaving this short. I feel that it just suits it to have a chapter of their reunion. Yes, it's cheesy, but I like the cheesy shit. Just to let you know, I'm going to be having lots of time skips for the sake of getting the storyline over with. I hope this is satisfactory! Goodbye for now my lovelies! -Michelle

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