Staying the night...

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"HOW DID YOU BEAT ME?!?!?!" Lycan yelled out loud. "I beat you because me and my kids play all the time!" Cube replied happily, "Plus, no offense-, your not that good anyways-..." Blixer and Barracuda on the couch wheezed after what Cube said while Lycan looks at Cube in confusion and anger.

"None taken-..." Lycan said. Cube laughs. "Sorry Lycan-...would you like me to go easier-?..." She asks him, then she suddenly gets a call on her phone. "Um, excuse me-" Cube told the boys, putting down the controller, getting up and grabbing her phone. Cube left to somewhere away from the boys so she can take her call without disturbance.

"Mum? Where are you? We came home but your not here.."

Oh my god....My kids! I forgot they were coming home early!.. Cube thought.

"Im sorry sweetie...Im coming home right now"

Cube hung up her phone and went back to the boys.

"Hey boys, uh- I have to get back home-...." Cube said nervously. "Hm? Why" Blixer asked her calmly. "I have to get home to my kids-..." Cube told Blixer, grabbing all her things. Blixer got up, and walked to the door. "Then I'm coming with, Im not letting you walk alone at dark." He told her.  Cube blushes a little bit and nods. Blixer opens the door and they both walk out.

They both walk to Cube's house in silence, it was quite awkward. Blixer couldn't stop thinking about her, and she was even right next to him. Just him and Cube....walking together...

"Hey uh- do you want me to hold your backpack for you? It seems like your a little upset" Blixer asks. Cube looks at him, a little confused but doesn't respond immediately.

She's....just so cute...dammit Cube-...did you always look that adorable no matter what?... Blixer thought.

"Oh uh- sure- you go-.." Cube finally responded, handing him her backpack. Blixer grabs it and puts it on his back. He felt something sharp poke him so he takes off the backpack to see what poked him.

A...pocket knife?....

Blixer grabs the pocket knife and looks at it closer.

Is that....blood?....

*tap tap!*

Cube turns to face Blixer. "Y-..." she said, but stopped when she saw Blixer holding her pocket knife in his hand and started to cry. Blixer panicked and didn't know what to do.

"I-...I'm so sorry-....I-...I-..." Cube said, stuttering. Blixer puts his hand on her shoulder, "Hey...its dont have to apologize...but...did you use this to harm yourself?..." Blixer asked, clearly worried about the effect he caused because of his bullying towards her in the past.

More tears start forming in Cube's closed eye's and hugs Blixer, crying into his jacket. Blixer puts down her things and hugs her tightly, close to crying as well. "I'm very sorry Cube...I never knew we were doing this to you...I'm so so sorry..." He said, on the verge of tears. Cube pushes away from Blixer and looks at him.

"'s least e-..everything fine now.." Cube said, wiping her tears away and giving Blixer a smile after she stopped crying. One more tear manages to escape Cube's eyes so Blixer gets to her level and wipes her tear away. "Yeah...lets get you home now.." Blixer said, grabbing her things, "But-...please dont harm yourself anymore..." Cube nodded and hugged Blixer once more, "I promise...I'll stop from now on.." she said.

They continue to walk until they both make it to Cube's house, to where the heros were playing around outside. Cris spots his mother walking next to Blixer so he dashes and hugs Cube.

"Mum! Welcome back! Whose your friend?" Cris asked, letting go of Cube. The other heros have dashed over by now. "Kids, this is Blixer, my friend from High school" Cube said, introducing Blixer as he waved to the kids. The heros wave back and introduced themselves.

"Heya! I'm Golden! But I'm called Gold for short!"

"Ahoy! Name's Penta! Nice to meet ya mate!"

"Hey there, my name is Cris"

"Name's Cyan, nice to meet you."

(AAAAAAAA IM FINALLY DONEEEEE- Sorry about this story being dead, just had discord drama and now I'm recovering from it lmao see you in the next chapter!! ^^)

Blixer x Cube HighSchool Love (Maybe Discontinued?) ❤❤Where stories live. Discover now