time for school...

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*ring ring!!*

Cube's timer went off. She hit the alarm and went to wake up the kids.
Cyan, Gold, Penta, and Cris. "Wake up my heroes! Time for school!" Cube said. Cyan groaned. Gold woke up instantly. Penta stayed asleep. Cris was trying to wake Penta up.

Cube went the restroom to shower, but before she got in the shower...she cut herself five times on each arm. "One or more....." She says. "One or more....will appear today..." She cleaned off the blood and hopped in the shower. The kids just finished when Cube got out. Cube came out of her room and took the kids to school. "Bye mum" Cyan said, on his phone texting his friend. "Bye mum! I'll miss yoouuuu!!" Gold and Penta said. "Bye mummy..." Cris said, giving Cube a hug. "Bye my heroes.....have a good day at school!"

Cube went to her High School and of course.....her bullies were at the front door, stealing other's lunch money. Cube took out her lunch money and took a breath, hoping today will be a little better. She went up to the door and handed them the lunch money and walked off. "What the hell is her problem?" Blixer asked. "Ehhh...Probably bored with her life" Barracuda said, harshly. Lycan laughed. "Yep..totally it" Cube had tears in her eyes. She immediately went to the restroom, but accidentally bumped into Heli and Squirt. "Cube!? What are you doing?!" Heli asked. "U-um I uh....I was g-gonna..." She stuttered. Squirt eyed her arms and grabbed it hard. "O-Ow! S-Squirt!! Let g-go!" Squirt let go, and said "cutting your arms again aren't ya mate?" Cube stayed silent. Heli took Cube's shoulders. "Cube....we told you about this...if they are bulling you just tell us..." Squirt looked at Heli. Then shook his head saying "BE GLAD YOU DIDN'T TELL HER" Cube nodded. Heli looked at Squirt and he looked away.

In class, Cube sat in between Squirt and Heli for safety. Heli kept eyeing Blixer and his (JeRkY) friends, but was stopped when Squirt gave her a note to stop. Cube suddenly raised her hand and asked to go use the restroom. Blixer and his friends immediately said the same thing. The teacher said yes for BOTH of them. They all went restroom and Cube quickly went inside a girl's stall, not wanting to come out.

(OMG wow....More than 400 words....I cant believe it...Welp! That's all?)

Blixer x Cube HighSchool Love (Maybe Discontinued?) ❤❤Where stories live. Discover now