Even more red flags!!

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"Bye momma!! I love you!!!" The young girl said, holding hands with her father and then leaving to school. The four heroes dash after her and their father before telling their mother goodbye as well. 


Cube shoots up from her dream again. It's time for school. Cube shakes her head. "What an unusual dream...I have to speak with Blixer today.." She gets out of bed and wakes up the heroes before going to shower.  She looks at her cut arms before jumping in. I know I promised Blixer but...I feel like I have to just this last time... Cube thought. She looks around the bathroom but can't find her pocket knife. Oh well.... She gets ready and take the four to their school. 

"Bye mum, take care."

"Bai mummyyyyyyy!!"

"Cya later mum! Take care of ye self 'kay lad?"

"Bye mum.."

Once Cube arrives to the high school, she hugs Heli and they both fly into the school to their lockers. Heli puts her down and the girls grab their books out of their lockers and into their bags. "SO!! What did I miss?" Heli asked. "Oh, um. Well, Blixer, Lycan and Barracuda are now my friends-.." Heli drops her book and slams her locker shut. She picks up that book and places it in her book bag as Squirt comes over. "Uhm- Heli-? You aight mate-?" Heli nods. "YEAH- TOTALLY." "Oh and um-...I have a lover-??" Cube adds. Heli just freezes. 

"Heli-?" Squirt looks around. "I think you broke her- I suggest you go..." He says, picking up Cube's books for her. Cube grabs her books and puts them away. "Thanks Squirt-...Tell her you love her, that should work.." She said before walking away, giggling to herself. 

"Yeah-...will do- wait WHAT-" 

Cube quickly walked away and ran into Tectrix, who looked a little upset. "Who are your little friends?" He asked. "Oh! That's Heli and Squirt! They're my best friends!" Cube said cheerfully. He could just be a little protective right? I mean, Tec won't take things the wrong way...ri- "About Squirt... What's your relationship with him?" He continued. Cube's cheerful mood drained away after hearing this. "Tectrix...he's just my fr-" "You call me honey or sweetie." "Um-...Sweetie- he's just my friend-?...There's nothing wrong with it.."

"And the other one?"


"What's your sexuality?"


"I don't want you to near them anymore."

"W-what-?! But- They're my best friends-!! I can't just suddenly not talk with them anymore-!!" Cube said. What in the world has gotten into him?! Tectrix gives Cube a small kiss. "Cube, sweetie...I just don't want to lose you..I'm terribly sorry." He says. "I'm so so sorry...please forgive me..I'm still a tad bit bitter about my suspension.." Cube softens up a bit and gives Tectrix a kiss back. "It's alright, sweetie...I understand you just want to protect me but I can take care of myself.."

Tectrix sighs and lets go of Cube's arm. Once he turns around and begins to walk away, he immediately bumped into Blixer and his friends and backs away from them. "What the f-" Blixer shuts him up before he can even finish his sentence. "Ah ah ah, Language. Don't want to upset the 'love of your life' now, do you?" He says. Tectrix glares at Blixer before walking away. Once he leaves, Blixer checks up on Cube. "You ok, Cubie?" She nods cheerfully and hugs Blixer. "Never been better! But I do have something I wish to say to you-.." "Well, might as well move to a different area." Barracuda says. "There's two shapes spying on you." He points to Heli, who's being held back by Squirt and Tectrix, who is watching from a corner but then quickly hides. 

("OH SHIT- I'VE BEEN SPOTTED. ABORT MISSION- ABORT MISSION-"  ~Tectrix *sigh* Tec is an idiot- lmao-)

Cube looks over to both of them and lets out a little concerned laugh. "Yeah lets- lets go-" she says. They walk away to the halls near the gym. "So what is it that you needed to talk about?" asked Lycan. Cube takes a deep breath and lets it out. "Last night I had this-...weird dream-...I was still myself but-...it was different-" She says. The boys look at each other. "And what was so different about it, Quinn?" Barracuda asked. "Well...I saw a young girl. I don't really recognize her as someshape I know but something about her caught my attention-.." Cube said. Blixer gets down to her level and pats Cube. "Well can you tell us? You can take your time, Cubie. We'll wait."

"She was purple-...small circle, with horns. Like you-..and her, I think left eye has a skull. She was calling me 'momma'- and I saw my kids in the dream too-...she gave them all, pretty cute nicknames-!" Lycan's eyes lit up. "oooooOOO!!! Let me hear them!! I wanna annoy the hell outta them and nearly get  🎆 A N N I H I L A T E D 🎆 !" He says in amazement. The three just stare at him with concerned and confused looks on their faces. 

(There's a lot of reasons why I think Lycan is one of the funniest bosses ever, this is one of them. I'm so immature.)

"Well, Cyan was Cycy, Golden was Goldie, Penta was Captain and Cris didn't have a nickname-..sadly..But if you'd like, I can tell you the nickname I gave him?" Lycan nods his head eagerly. "PLEASSSSEEE-" 

"Lycan, what the absolute f-"

"I call him Cici sometimes! Honestly, he really doesn't mind. He likes it when I call him that!" a wild cheerful cube says. The boys smile at Cube's wholesomeness. "Cube, you're so precious- both you and your kids-" Lycan says. "Well, when they murder you they aren't as precious as you say they are. Especially Beats." Barracuda adds in. "Cyan is a very nice shape, he just has to get used to you-..as a good shape now-.." Cube says. Blixer sighs. "Can we get back on track????" Blixer asked. 

"Yeah yeah."

"Im sorry-"

"Aha- Yeah- sorry-"

"Anyways, Blixer..you were there, in the dream as well.." Blixer blinks twice before saying "Wait, what?" "Yeah, you were in it..."

"And...she called you, her father.."

OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH, SO BLIXER AND CUBE ARE THE PARENTS OF THIS ADORABLE LIL SHAPE!!! OOOOOOKKKKAYYYYYYY!!!!! My precious baby of these two may make a special appearance in the JSAB q n a!! Also, Imma be making a "Tectrix reacts to your opinions and threats towards him"-!!!! *wheeze* WOO, I can't wait to see how this goes- anywayssssss, ADIOS AMIGOZ!! 

Blixer x Cube HighSchool Love (Maybe Discontinued?) ❤❤Where stories live. Discover now