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Blixer and his friends were chilling by the lockers as usual, waiting for Cube. She was running a little late today and she never came late to school. "Hey, is it just me or is Cube just late today??" asked Lycan. Barracuda nods while looking around. "It is odd that Cube hasn't arrived yet... We should probably look around for her." he suggested. The other two nod and they set out the halls to find Cube. The three wandered around the school for a bit when they heard the late bell ring. Blixer was now scrambling around the school looking for Cube, scanning the faces of other students and getting more and more worried when he is unable to find her adorable closed-eyed, one teared, smiling face. "OK! NEW PLAN!" Blixer suddenly shouts out, "Spread out! Cuda you got are the gym, Lycan you got near the cafeteria, I'll check around the classrooms! GO." And the three split up. . . . . 

Blixer had no luck looking around, he didn't even see Tectrix either. That fucking jerk. He most likely did something to her. Probably for a stupid reason. Ugh... I swear that boy is getting it if he touched Cube the wrong way. Blixer's head already was filled with hating thoughts of Tectrix. That boy is going to be DEAD someday. And I'm gonna be his reason. Whether I go to jail or not. It's not my first time being locked up in a cell. Maybe I'll beat his dead body when I'm fr- "HEY!!" shouted a student. Blixer didn't even realize that he bumped into another student. He shook his head and focused on the student he had ran into. Tectrix.  Shit was about to go down.

Barracuda wandered around the gym, hoping to hear Cube call out his name. Whether it was in distress or just in a cheerful call. Didn't see no light blue shape... Barracuda sighed and walked outside, where he bumped into Heli and Squirt. "Barracuda!! We know you and Cube have been getting along with each other so, for the love of Paradise,"

"T E L L  U S  W H E R E  S H E  I S ."

Heli shouted. Squirt quickly held her back, trying to avoid being whacked by her. "Tis be gettin' outta hand- we looked everywhere for the lad and we still haven't seen her 'round here-" Squirt nervously said, quickly avoiding Heli's whacking attempts to let her go. Barracuda shook his head. "I haven't seen her around the campus either. In fact, me, Blixer and Lycan are searching for Cube as well." Heli finally stopped pulling and sighed. "God dammit. Out of ALLLLL days, Cube decides to go missing today-.." After saying that, she froze. "That- that came out a lil too wrong, mate-" Squirt said. Barracuda chuckles and asks Heli and Squirt to search with him. They agree and they walk back into the hall ways.

Lycan was walking around for a while, no sign of Cube though. I need a little break, Blixa and Cuda won't notice >:3  Lycan turned around and headed for the boys restroom, but it was locked. Eh, not a problem. The gender-neutral restroom is available for him to sit in. Lycan went inside the restroom and chuckled to himself. "Stupid students. Karma gonna strike when they need it." He quietly said. Lycan quickly stopped in his tracks when he heard soft crying. Female crying. . . . . 


It sounded familiar. Like a certain shape he used to bully. . . . . Cube?! Lycan quickly went over to each stall, pressing against each door to see which one is locked. Once he found a locked one, he looked under, there were no feet hanging down. Cube usually has her legs up when she's crying in the restroom, from what Heli texted him. . .  He took a deep breath and prayed that this was Cube in the stall, then crawled under the stall door into the stall. Once he stood up, legs immediately kicked at him. Thanks to his reflexes, he blocked them all. "Cube-!! Cube-!! It's me-!! Lycan-!"  Cube quickly stopped kicking and got up to hug Lycan, apologizing multiple times. "I-Im so sorry-!! I didn't know it was you-!! Im so so sorry-!!!"

Lycan chuckled and patted Cube, "It's fine, It's fine.. why are you here? You made us worry!" he said, breaking the hug. Cube put her head down, hugging herself now. Lycan knew something was wrong. "What happened, Cube. Please tell me." Cube sighed and told him what happened.

!"Well...Tectrix came over last night and asked to stay with me since his power went out..I agreed and we went to sleep...he..was touching me in uncomfortable places as we were laying down..like around my chest, my waist, thighs and when I told him to stop, he suddently got mad.. this morning when I tried to wake him up, he got mad and hit me... when I was done getting ready, I heard him saying rude things to Penta...something about his liking in pirates.."! Lycan was already upset from hearing Tectrix's name. The more Cube kept mentioning him, the more furious he got. Cube paused for a bit, seeing Lycan's angry face and looked down again. "I..Im sorry.. I-I'll stop.." "No, no. Please continue." Lycan insisted. Cube took a breath before nervously continuing. "On the way here, he kept telling me that I took too long to get ready..and how annoying my youngest two are...he kept holding onto my hand very tightly...the more I asked him to let go, he tightened it.." 

Cube told him much more awful things she was forced to experience this morning but his head was already filled with rude thoughts of Tectrix. He isn't the one for her. He thought. He's gonna end up pushing her past her limit one day. When Cube finished, she already had more tears streaming down her face. Lycan wiped them off with his sleeve and told Cube that its fine. "How about this, You don't have to be with him at all today. You just spend the rest of your day with me!" Cube's frown slowly turned into a small smile, "I would love that.." Lycan smiled back and unlocked the stall door, letting Cube wash her face and give her time to calm down. Once they left the restroom, Students were scrambling to their classes. 

We just gotta find Blixer and Cuda. Tell them what happened and keep her away from this dude. I knew he was already bad news once he walked in. He kept repeating in his head, over and over again. Leading Cube through the hallway, there was a group of students huddled around, cheering and with their phones out, recording. Lycan and Cube pushed through the crowd and froze in their tracks to what they were watching.

Blixer and Tectrix had gotten into a fist fight.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- NO NO NOO, TWO OF CUBE'S LOVERS IN A FIGHT?! WHO WILL WIN!? WHO WILL GET THEIR ASS BEAT!? WE'LL SEE ON DA NEXT CHAPTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Aight talk with yall later. I gotta end this cuz my third class boutta start- Oki stay saafffeee, make sure there isn't a wild Tectrix sleepin with ya tonight, and have a gud day- OKI BAIIIIIIIIIIIIII-

Blixer x Cube HighSchool Love (Maybe Discontinued?) ❤❤Where stories live. Discover now