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"BLIXER!!!" She screamed. Cube was back in tears. Lycan tried to hold Cube back but for some reason, she was just too strong for him. Barracuda ended up having to join in and try to hold her. Eventually she broke out over their grasp and knocked Blixer to the side, moving him out the way of a kick Tectrix was throwing. A loud CRASH!! was heard. Tectrix had hit one of the lockers, and dented it.

One of the staff didn't come in time to see the fighting, but she came in time to see Tectrix dent the locker. "TECTRIX." she shouted. Tectrix quickly turned to face the staff, the horror on his face was very clear. She pointed to the front office, clearly upset with only Tectrix and not noticing Cube being very worried of the obviously bruised Blixer. Tectrix looked down, guilty about what he had done and turned and walked away to the office, glaring at Cube and Blixer before entering it's doors. Cube clung onto Blixer's shirt, shaking and crying all over again. Blixer knew that glare wasn't going to end well if Cube went home with him, so he picked her up and walked away to the nurse's office. He was going to keep her by his side now. Hopefully try to convince her to move in with him too. Barracuda and Lycan followed closely behind.

He's most likely suspended for three days for doing that. Barracuda thought.

I hope Blixer is ok... Lycan thought...

That motherfucker is getting his dumb. ass. beat.

You can guess who that was, the three boys were NOT happy and under full protection of Cube. Once they arrived, Blixer put Cube down on one of the nurse beds and ordered Lycan and Barracuda to watch her while he explains the story to the nurse. Lycan was trying to help Cube calm down again, it was a little difficult now that he wasn't the restroom with just her. Otherwise, he'd be hugging her and doing things a good friend does, but some student might see this and start a rumor. Stupid Students. About 20 minutes have passed and Blixer has returned with an ice pack on his head, aaaand his eye was bruised. HA-

They left the nurses office, each given a slip to give to their teachers to explain why they were late. Each of them said their goodbyes and headed to class.





It was lunch. Cube was in the lunch line, scanning around the cafeteria looking for her friends. Lycan was the first to arrive and come up to her. She hugged him tightly. "Is everything going alright now??" He asked, trying to pry her off himself carefully. Cube nods and gives him a little smile. Cube breaks the hug and spots the other two, waving at them to join her. Blixer and Barracuda also get a tight hug from Cube, then she's back to being worried. "Are you ok Blixer??? Are you still hurt?? Is your eye ok? Do you need another ice pack-.." 


She cares waaaaayy to much about them. Blixer just places the ice pack he was given on Cube's head. "Cool down, Cube." 


"That wasn't funny." Barracuda said. Meanwhile Cube and Lycan are giggling and laughing. Blixer raises an(?) eyebrow and gives Cuda a smirk, Barracuda narrows his eye(s?). "Alright alright, enough joking around." Blixer said. "Let's just focus on what's important now, you alright Cube?" Cube also gives Blixer a nod and a little smile. "I'm good!" she cheerfully replied. Almost instantly, she changes expression and steps hard on Blixer's foot, making him flinch back a bit in pain. "WHY were you and Tectrix fighting!?!? You KNOW that I care about both of you a lot and you two getting in a fight nearly gave me a HEART ATTACK!!!!" she cries. Barracuda and Lycan just proceed in the line and tryyyy not to get intervened in Cube's angry rant at Blixer- "Ow- Cubie, look- It wasn't even me who started it- Tectrix did- ow- Why are you mad at me-" Cube went from sweet baby bear cub to momma bear in a minute-...

After they sat down with their lunch, Cube gave Blixer the silent treatment, as always. It didn't really matter to Blixer, he kept his eye(s?) on the entrance. Even though he hated and loved the fuck outta this school, they will suspend a student but let them stay for the rest of the day. They won't send them home for shit until the next day. Now Tectrix had walked into the cafeteria, his head down and his hoodie over his head. He looked up, looking around for Cube and walked up to them when he spotted her. Blixer saw Barracuda narrow his eye(s?), and Lycan put his arm around Cube. The three could tell she was scared, since she was holding onto Lycan's shirt tightly but there was a fake emotion on her face. She was smiling. It took her a while, but she got up and hugged Tectrix. "I was so worried about you!! Are you ok, Tectrix!?..." She said. Tectrix put his arms around Cube and took off his hoodie, giving her a small kiss on the cheek.

Blixer and Tectrix's eyes met. They glared at each other for a while until Cube broke the hug. She took a good look at Tec's injuries. Tectrix was bruised and cut from Blixer's strikes, but he insisted he was ok. Just like Cube did with Blixer, she went from sweet baby bear cub to momma bear. Her expression changed and she demanded to know why they had a fight, and to explain why he had started this fight. 

He stuttered to find his words, but he ended up telling her that he's not allowed to talk about it. Cube's anger left her body and she hugged Tectrix once again, "At least you're ok..." she said. He smiled, returning the hug. "You're such a sweet and caring shape, my love. I love you,". This angered the other three. 

No you fucking don't. Lycan thought.

Haha. Very funny. Barracuda thought.

I'm fucking killing you after we get out of this hell we call school. Guess who that was-

Cube gave Tectrix a smile, the rare smile. The one where she smiles fully. It seemed like those three words made her forget everything that happened. She was completely under his spell. will they get her back?..

"I love you too, Tectrix.."

EEEEEEEEeeeeeeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. GOD DAMMIT TECTRIX!!!! CUBE IS UNDER HIS SPELL AND THERE MIGHT NOT BE A WAY TO GET HER OUT >:((( So, I just had an idea. . . . . Maybe I can add a JSAB oc of yours for one chapter and see if you can convince her to leave Tectrix for her own good?? Maybe save her all the abuse?? I MEAN-  OMGISPOILEDOKBAI-

Blixer x Cube HighSchool Love (Maybe Discontinued?) ❤❤Where stories live. Discover now