Wild Bullies appeared??

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Blixer's P.O.V

Ever since class, Cube has been pretty much enjoying hanging out with us.

I wonder how Heli would take the news-

We lined up for lunch and I gave Cube half of the money we collected today. (Which was like- 80 dollars?...so I gave her 40 apparently-) When she seated down next to me, gave me 34 dollars back- "I tried not to waste much.." she said. "Cube- I gave it to you as your money-...you can spend it on all you want-" I told her. She nodded and left to go the restroom. "You know...she's too innocent...you give her something and she'll give it back even though she's supposed to keep it." Barracada tells me.

"You didn't see me experience it?"

"Like I can see all the crap you do with one eye-"


"Excuse me."

Ooooooooohhhh shiittt-

"Why did you say that to him? Do you say that to me?" Cube said. "No I don't-..why would I-..." "Then would you say that to Barracuda?" She asked me. I replied with "He 'insulted' me."

She looks at Cuda.

Lycan nearly spit out the milk he was drinking- and I almost bursted out laughing- Barracuda looks at me and shouts.."LIIIIAAAAAAARRRR!"

Cube's P.O.V

Hanging out with the boys is fun...I would love to hang out with them more! But I swear-...in the cafeteria they act like five year olds-...but its funny and cute I guess-

After Lunch we were allowed to go outside and play around for a bit. I was admiring the boys play around... dangerously.

It was cool and I wanted to learn how to do what they were doing too. So I went up to Blixer and asked "Hey Blixer! I was watching you boys play around...and......I wanna be able to do what you guys do...can you..teach me?"

"Sure. When do you wanna start?" He said. Yay!! "Tomorrow please! I'm so excited!" I replied. "Alright. Oh! Here's your journal. Your lucky I was able to sneak it into lunch." He told me, giving me my journal. "Thank you! I'll be writing in it near the Basketball Area."

"Okay. Call me if you need anything sweetie~" Blixer said....winked at me and left. I blushed, then left to the Basketball area.

I was writing for about....20 to 30 minutes...then my other bullies came.

"Hey nerd. Where are your little guards?"

I just sat there shaking. The boys couldn't see me this far...

"The silent treatment again huh? Well don't worry, You don't need to respond. We see it in your eyes. Get up will you?"

"P-...please leave me a-...alone..." I managed to get out. But they kept telling me to get up. They even started screaming at me to get up..

I got up, and I was pushed to the wall. I dropped my notebook and they picked it up. They started to call me names and telling me to.......to go die...

Once they left, I sat back down and started crying. I don't know how, but Barracuda must've heard me...because I heard him call Blixer, asking him to come quick. The three boys crowded around me as Blixer crouched down to me.

"What happened?? Why are you crying??" He asked me. "Wait..where is her notebook? Did you not sneak it into lunch?" Barracada questioned. "Your right. Where is her notebook?" Lycan said. Blixer wiped my tears and asked me "Who did it." I was scared to tell him because I thought the other bullies would beat me up...He ended up sitting next to me to calm me down a bit.

"Cube. Tell us who took your notebook.." Blixer asked me once I calmed down. I pointed instead saying anything. I'm like that.

Blixer looked at the other bullies for a good 3 minutes. We all went over to them. Once the two boys saw Blixer, they were startled. Once they saw me...they knew this wasn't going to end well...

Blixer's P.O.V


Once we approached the two boys, I gave a deadly stare to the one who was holding Cube's notebook. Before we approached them, I told Cube was to do incase they wouldn't give it back. They would be shocked about what's coming for them if they don't give her notebook back.

"You got something that belongs to Cube. Give it back." I told them. "Uh no. We aren't giving it back just because you said so. We aren't scared of you tough boy." One of them said. I looked at Cube, nodded and she went up to them.

"Please give back my notebook...Its very important and its private.." she said. They laughed. "No! What are YOU gonna do Miss-wanna-die?"

Cube got upset, and she punched them. They were BOTH lying on the ground from her punch. One was bleeding.

Does she punch that hard?...

Cube picked up her notebook and went back to me. We left and I stayed with Cube for the rest of the day.

I felt like her freaking bodyguard-....and I liked it-...

Once we got inside, Cube looked at me, gave me another rare smile and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back. "Down here. I wanna tell you something." (I'm taller than her.) She whispered. We left to the restroom. Teacher kept walking by, So I pulled Cube into the boy's restroom and we hid in a stall.

I was so unprepared about what she did next...

(AND THAT IS WHERE I STOP FRIENDZ 965 holy- This chapter is long, I think- So this is where we stop! See you all in the next chapter!)

Blixer x Cube HighSchool Love (Maybe Discontinued?) ❤❤जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें