Staying the 2

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"Cyan?" Blixer said. He seemed surprised to hear the name. "Yeah. Im Cyan. I've heard about you. Blixer." Cyan said, saying Blixer's name with harshness and crossing his arms. Blixer eyes Cyan, crossing his arms as well.

They were so focused on each other that they didn't notice Cube and the other heroes went inside. Cube walks outside and notices the boys, so she decides to call out to them. "Boys! Come on inside!" She says.

The boys turn their attention to Cube and walk inside, keeping their distance with each other. Once they enter, Blixer looks around.

Wow...her place is very organized-...He thought.

Gold flies in front of Blixer. "Hi! Like it here? This is our home sweet home! We lived here all our lives!" She said. Blixer gives her a smile, "Thats cool, where's your mother?" He asked. "She's in her room, last room in the hallway to your right" Cris says, walking up to Gold. Gold stops flying, lands next to Cris and fixes his huge cape covering his entire torso, arms and legs. "Thanks.." Blixer says, and walks to Cube's room.

Cube's door is closed, Blixer grabs the door knob and opens the door. "W-?! BLIXER-!! IM CHANGING!! CLOSE THE DOOR!!" Cube. Blixer quickly shuts the door, looks away and pretty much freezes.

Blixer shakes his head and holds it.

He was blushing a lot and felt a little dizzy. The door slightly opens and Cube's head pokes out. " can come in-..." She says shyly, she seemed as embarrassed as he was. They both walk in the room and sit on Cube's bed.

They weren't making eye contact, they weren't even looking at each other. Then Cube finally spoke up. "So urm....why did you want to see me?.." she asked. "I was just wondering where you were." Blixer replied, "I uh-...didn't mean to walk in on you like that-..That was very rude of me-..." Cube gave him a forgiving smile and said "Its alright...I forgive you..." while putting a hand on his cheek.

Blixer puts his hand on top of hers and blushes a bit. What...was she doing?....

Cube scoots a little closer to Blixer. Blixer just sits there, letting all of this Cube's room. Cube scoots closer and closer, to the point their faces are almost touching....

Their faces get closer....and closer....and cl-

"MUUUUUMMMM!!! CYAN IS BEING A JERK AGAINNN!!!!!" Penta yells from across the house. Cube and Blixer stop and push away from each other.

Cube gets up from her bed and walks out to calm Penta down while Blixer watches Cube until he can't see her. Then, his head starts spinning with thoughts about what was going to happen if Penta had never called out for his mother.

They all chatted and hung out for a while until it was time to put the heroes to sleep. "Alright sweeties! Time for bed!" Cube said. "Aww..but Muuuuuummm....." Penta whined. Cube bent down to his height and said, "Im sorry sweetie...but its time for you to dont want to be asleep during your adventure with Squirt.." Penta's eyes lit up, "SQUIRT IS COMING OVER TOMORROW!?" He says loudly. Cube nods and Penta smiles. "Alright then! Goodnight Mum!" Penta said and walks to his room. His siblings say goodnight and head to their rooms.

Blixer taps Cube's shoulder. "Yes Blixer?" She askes. "You don't mind if I can stay the night-?...." Blixer asked Cube, Cube smiles widely and says "Yes!! You can sleep in my room! I really don't mind!" Blixer smiles and tells Cube that he's going to grab an extra pair of clothes then leaves.

Cube excitedly runs to her room and stays in there until Blixer arrives.

12 minutes pass and Blixer knocks on the door, Cube rushes out to the front door, opens it and lets Blixer in. She leads him to her room, even though he knows where it is. Once they reach Cubes room, Blixer sets down his things, closes the door and sits down on the bed next to Cube. She turns on the TV and they watch TV for a while until 11:53pm.

Cube sighs. "What a day..." Blixer says. "Mhm, glad today is the weekend too" Cube replies. Blixer lays down and rests his head on the wall. Cube turns to him and a big smile on her face, seemed like she likes his company. Blixer laughs a bit and puts his hand on Cube's cheek, who rests her head in his hand.

He then pulls Cube onto his lap...Cube leans onto Blixer, moving closer to his face again...Cube grabs his face and kisses Blixer...right on the lips. Blixer wraps his arms around Cube as he enjoys the moment.

Oh man....Her lips are so damn soft...and she's-...Mmn...I dont want this to ever end...Blixer thought.

(Yeah- Blixer is also an unholy boi- along with Lycan and Cuda-)

Cube and Blixer slowly push away from each other, loosing themselves within each other's eyes. Blixer puts his hand on the back of Cube's head, and pushes Cube to kiss him again. She didn't even fight back, she just accepted it and kissed him again.

This was going on for about 10 minutes, neither of them knew what they were doing, they just accepted it. Their lips finally separated from each other, with a few blinks (Im not so sure if she blinks- I mean- Yeah of course she does d u H but she has her eyes closed- WAET YOU CAN BLINK WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED-?!) Cube realized what was going on and quickly jumped off Blixer. Cube jumping off Blixer startled him, he snapped out of it too and sat up.

Again, they didn't make eye contact, both were too embarrassed to even look at each other. "Well urm- that was good-..." Blixer said. Realizing what he said, he looks away again and blushes more. His face is completely red by now. (Because apparently my friend thinks Blixer is freaking red. HE'S PINK YA IDIOT)

The awkwardness went away and Cube remade the bed, since apparently they were also wrestling (NO, NOT LIKE THAT YA SICKO-) each other for a while until Blixer managed to pin her.

Blixer turned off the lights, and hopped in Cube's bed, Cube was already about to fall asleep. "Goodnight Cube..." he says. "Goodnight Blixer" she replies. Then they both fall asleep...

AaaAaaAAAAAAAaAAAaAaAAAA- I PASSED OUT WHILE MAKING THIS- HOOOLY COW 1,103 WORDS- Alrighty- see you all in the next chapter!

Blixer x Cube HighSchool Love (Maybe Discontinued?) ❤❤Where stories live. Discover now