Chapter 3

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The next week few by pretty quickly the girl, Clarke still hasn't said anything this. Even after one of my men attack her, though he was later punished for attacking the girl with out my consent.
All we get from her is "I don't know" and quite honestly I believe her.
I think.

"Heda, she been here a week, she's give us no imformation on the Sky people, let us kill her and be done with it" Indra says in her usual demanding way, Anya nods her head in agreement. Both of them have been beging to kill her the whole time we've had her.

"the girl has committed no crime. I do not see reason to execute her" I growl in response, were all sat in my tent, to give us more privacy to speak about the girl. Indra grunts at my response.

"so what we let her go back to her people, tell them of us?" Anya chimes in, I can hear the disapproval in her tone of voice and just fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"no" I simply state keeping my strong commander tone and showing no emotion. "the prinsses, Clarke say she doesn't want to go back, so I was thinking we could give her a fresh start here in TonDc" both Anya, Indra and Gustus glare at me, its obvious they do not agree with me, but I am the Heda and it's my decision what happens with the girl.

"she's of no use to us" Indra snap, I glare and she trys to hold my glare before back down, see the seriousness of what I'm say and how I will not back down.

"it will happen, the girl is to live freely she has committed no crime" I state slamming my danger into the tablet to make sure they were all paying attention.

"sha Heda" They all respond before exiting the tent. I watch as Anya turns around and walks back in, she alway does this wanting to make sure I see her point.

"Heda are you sure this is wise, we know nothing of this Skaiprisa, she could be dangerous" Anya warns in a way that not questioning just concerned.

"if she was dangerous, wouldn't she have attacked when she was freed from her restraints, to be checked over by Nyko" I snap, keeping my sotic expression free from any emotions.

"sha Heda, now get some sleep in the morning we set the girl free" Anya says with a small weak smile as she exits my tent.

I spend the night awake unable to clear my thoughts of anything but this unsal, intriguing girl. Her whole personality is different she don't try to fight back, she seems weak but something tell me she has quite a fire behind though emotional blue eyes.


I peel my eyes open at the sound of my name being called out, evey inch of my body aches from the attack of that scary beast of a man, whom is easy double my size in hight.
My vision clears up when I see Lexa crouched beside me, as I lay helplessly on the floor, I just hope she hasn't changed her mind and decided to toucher me, like the scary dark skin woman wanted to do to me and well as the other two warriors who usually stay close to her side.

"Clarke" Lexa say softly, I groan as I try to pull myself of the ground, I feel weak I haven't had much water since I've arrived and my mouth and throat are dry and sore. I look at the Commanders eyes, they seem so hard so emotionless at first glance, but I can see the soft caringness behide that even if it is only a glimmer every now and then.

"Clarke, were setting you free" she say as my vision clears up properly, I can see the dagger in her hand and I instantly scooch away in a panic, she, she killing me is that what she means. My body tense in fear and I blink a few time.

"I'm not killing you, I'm undoing your ropes" she say leaning forward and cutting the rope. The pressure on my arms and legs, stop and it so much more comfortably, I feel like I'm not stuck in that god awful position.

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