4 🥀

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"East!" Kori yelled out in ecstatic running towards her brother who had just entered the hospital's waiting room. "Where were you? What happened to mommy?"

East couldn't bare the thought of telling his little sister that her mother was no longer alive, so he didn't. Instead he said nothing as he walked over to the seat beside Camilla who held his 4 year old brother Kris in her hands.

"East that's not fair, why are you ignoring me?" Kori continued to try to get answers from him. "Camilla he's ignoring me what did I do?"

"Kori calm down." Camilla grabbed a hold of Kori's hand sensing that she was about to get in one her emotional moods.

Tears quickly flew down Kori's eyes a began thinking of many scenarios I'm her mind of what happened to her mother "something bad happened to her." Kori concluded as she too took a seat beside Camilla as her tears became uncontrollable.

Any other time Kori would probably be just over exaggerating or jumping to conclusions, but this time she was right. Something bad has happened to her mother, and it ended up scaring her for live.

⚠️Warning ⚠️ I haven't edited this chapter yet may be a few errors

⚠️Warning ⚠️ I haven't edited this chapter yet may be a few errors

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"Kori— Kori." Mrs. Reed called out for the last time as she tried to get her clients attention.

Kori snapped out of her gaze and faced back to her therapist Mrs. Reed.

"Did you here anything I just said?" Mrs.Reed wondered as she realized that Kori had probably blocked out everything she was saying for the last two minutes.

"I'm so sorry Mrs.Reed, I'm trying my best to cooperate with you but it's just-"

Mrs. Reed held up her hand stopping her "No need to apologize, I understand. Today marks 10 years since the death of your mother. I don't expect you to be normal on such a tragic day. Have you visited her grave."

Kori held her head down in shame "no."

Mrs.Reed sighed at her reaction. "Kori," she called out "look at me. Do not be too hard on yourself. What happened is not your fault. I'm here to protect your emotions, not make you run away from them. If you think that restraining from visiting your mother is helping your disorder I'm sorry to tell you your wrong.

Shortly after her mother's death, Kori was diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder along with emotional dysregulation, which often happens as a result of BPD. Kori showed many symptoms of this disorder when she was younger , but it was often always ignored.

Whenever Kori would have sudden outburst and start overacting over small situations no one ever thought too much of it. They thought that maybe she was just an over sensitive kid and would eventually grow out of it.

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