11 🥀

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9 year old East threw his backpack in the backseat of his dads car before getting in.

"Geesh bad day at school huh?" Michael turned around facing his oldest son.

"Yes. It's stupid Valentine's Day and this girl got upset with me because I didn't give her a Valentines. Who even made that a rule? I never see you buying anything for mom." East pointed out.

"Hey wait a minute now let's not turn this around on me. I do too buy things for your mom but just not often because that's not the reason she's with me."

"Then why is she?" East scrunched up his face.

"Ok hold on now what you mean by that?" Michael laughed.

"I mean mom she's just-" East searched for a word to say "perfect. Then there's you," he gave his dad a once over "not so much."

Michael laughed at his sons words "I think it's time I teach you a little lesson about women."

East set up in seat prepared to listen. If his father could some how be married to women as great as his mother he had no choice but be open ears for whatever he was about to say.

"Alright so when I met your mother, I was at a party over there on the southside of Queens. I remember everything like it was yesterday "Michael smiled. "She was the most beautiful women I had ever seen, and I'm not just saying this because she's my wife," he added "anyway your mom was probably way too out of my league at the time, but this brings me to my first rule. Never be afraid to ask out the most beautiful women in the room."

"Ok." East nodded putting that into his memory "so what happened after that. Did she reject you?"

Michael chuckled "oh she did more than just reject me. That women looked me right in my eyes and told me that she could never be with a man like me. She thought I was too "hood" and couldn't date me even if she wanted too. When I asked her why she said it's because her mother wouldn't allow it."

"Seriously?" East asked in shocked "well how did you end up marrying her. How'd you make her like you."

"Well that brings me to my second rule. A good relationship is always build off  friendship. So you know what I did?"


"I asked her to be friends, and after thinking about it she saw no harm in us two being acquainted. Now once your are about to build a relationship with a woman you have to always remember to go deeper than looks."

"Huh? Why?" East asked confused. He didn't understand what his dad meant by that.

"Well son sometimes it wonderful to have a woman who looks good but looks don't last so don't let that be all you want in a woman. In order for a relationship to really grow you got to dig deeper than what's on the surface. So yes tell a woman she's beautiful but also tell her she's smart, funny, courageous even. Once she knows that you like her for more than just her looks you've got her son." Michael smiled.

"Eh that seems like a lot but ok. Whatever works for you." East shrugged.

Michael chuckled shaking his head at the child. He could tell he was going to have a rough time with women.

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