1 🥀

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"East, I want you to stay right here and don't say a word okay." Karla tried to comfort her 12 year old son.

"What mama no. What about Kori and Kris? Where's dad?" East crowded his mama with questions as she nervously looked behind her every 5 seconds.

"East I just need you to promise me that your going to stay right here in the room okay. Don't worry about your siblings they are going to be fine okay? Okay?" She looked in his eyes for confirmation before wiping away a single tear that shed down her eyes.

East heard a big bang come from the front room of their apartment. Karla jumped and faced East one last time.

"I gotta go, make sure you stay right here and don't go anywhere East I mean it. I love you"

East didn't even get a chance to reply as Karla had already left the room. "I love you too." He whispered under his breath knowing she know  was now too far away to hear him.

Karla slowly walked towards the front room of her apartment with her pistol loaded right beside her. "Why can't you just leave me alone Kantos!" She yelled as she cautiously stood in the hallway near the living room.

Kantos obnoxiously chuckled as he walked in circles in their living room. "Oh Karla you've always been a little on the naive side haven't you? Why won't you come on out out so we can speak like two grown adults?"

"Kantos I promise you won't find whatever your looking for here." Karla replied.

"We'll see that's where you wrong Karla. What I'm looking for is already here in the room. So either you drop your weapons and come out from where you are or- well I would hate to see something happen to your precious little children."

"I'm not stupid Kantos. Why are you doing this? The moment I drop my weapon you're gonna kill me, not happening." Karla shook her head applying her hand to the trigger.

"Camilla Miller. 1922 56th street apartment 3B." Kantos read aloud the white slip he had in his hand. Karla sniffed some of her tears away shaking her head in disbelief "what's the matter Karla? Did you really think I wouldn't find out who you have keeping your kids? One call and their all dead. So if I was you I would come out from behind that corner."

Karla sat in thought about her decision, but at this moment in time it was already too late. Whatever she did Kantos was going to kill her. She dropped her weapon and slowly walked into the living room.

"Aha," Kantos applauded "not so bold now are you?"

"What the fuck do you want from me you sick bastard?"

"Don't play stupid Karla. Michael is locked up- your child's father is locked up for the murder of Tara Valdez," he nodded "after doing some further digging I finally figured that their could only be one person who could possibly provide evidence of him being there that night and it was you."

"You don't understand," Karla shook her head.

"Let me finish talking," Kantos interrupted "see at first I thought that you had signed some type of deal with the feds but then I figured nooo that can't be it. You wouldn't lock your own husband up would you?"

"Michael turned himself in Kantos I have nothing to this with the situation." Karla denied.

Kantos silenced for a while and looked around the room at the multiple suitcases that sat along the wall "are you going somewhere Karla?"

Tears once again poured down Karla's eyes "Kantos please just let me leave. I have children Kantos, they need me I don't want to be involved in what ever you and Michael have going on."

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