Girls Day

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"Why can't we take Jungkook with us, we can even out the people this way?" Maya asked and her boyfriend looked angry with a subtle hint of jealousy.

I'm not surprised though Jay Park does seem like an over protecting boyfriend. I glanced over at Jimin and noticed his eyebrows were furrowed. I guess my boyfriend is protective too even though Jungkook is his best friend. Well I don't mind have an overprotective boyfriend but I don't think Jimin has anything to worry about.

"Absolutely not Maya." Jay said with a stern voice.

"Ok fine but we're going have fun." Maya says grabbing my arm and pulling me in the opposite direction.

"Stay safe." Jay hollers but Maya continues forward.

"You love making him mad don't you?" I question with a giggle.

"Oh yeah and when he's mad he's hot." She smiles.

"So what are your plans for today?" I ask her.

"You know a bunch of girly things sometimes us girls need a break from guys." She answers. "Oooo look there's a spa let's go." She pulls me into the shop.

"We should get our nails done, get a massage and they have little bath things too." She says excitedly.

"Bath things?" I question.

"You know those little bath thing you sit in but some bath have like tea and stuff in it." She replies. 

"Yeah but I just find it funny that you call them bath things." I giggle.

The lady that was working in the back called both of us up and she led us to the back where we sat down next to each other getting in position for our nails to get done.

"So tell me more about yourself Y/n." Maya says while two French employees come and sit down on the other side of the table to start prepping our nails.

"I was born in New York but not in the city more of the country side. My parents wanted to be by the city but not in the city cause traffic and stuff. So after I graduated high school I wanted to get into Stanford because it's a university that mostly focuses on engineering and computer science." I start to talk while Maya looks at me intently.

"I'm guessing you got in but why computer science?" Maya asks.

"Haha yeah I did get in but why I did it is because my sister said that in the long run engineering will be more of a stabilized option. And honestly I wanted to explore what I wanted to do but this one fit me the most." I answer her question.

"What options did you have?" Maya asked curious while looking at her nails being painted.

"I had being an astronaut, doctor, or an interior designer." I state.

"Those are three very different things." She says in a giggle.

"I've always wanted to be an interior designer because I love decorating and fashion so I could have put interior designing and designing together." I look at my nails that have the first coat on.

"Woah then why didn't you do that. I mean once I found out about you I found your Instagram and a lot of people love your outfits and well you in general?" She asks.

"I could have but wasn't really passionate I also wanted something more sustaining I guess. Also being a fashion icon wouldn't have landed me in Korea." I answer.

"Wait, wait, wait I'm confused you lived in America your in France right now and Your going to Korea?" Maya questions looking at me with a face full of confusion.

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