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I sat down inside the car next to Jimin ready for the journey that awaits us. Taehy7ng was in the front sitting next to the driver and Jungkook was sitting behind with Jimin the the middle. We were already in the car for a few minutes and both Jungkook and Taehyung fell asleep listening to their headphones.

I was looking outside of the window watching people, cars, and buildings pass by. Jimin put his arm around me and I leaned into his chest as much as I can. His body heat warmed me up and I'm glad we get to see Europe together.

"Jimin." I call him in a soft voice hoping the two boys won't wake up.

We left early in the morning so by the time we get to the dock to board the ferry it's going to be in the afternoon. It's better leaving in the morning so we can enjoy our time together messing around.

"Yes Y/n." He says looking at me.

"I was wondering what if I ask Unnie to tag along with us?" I ask him, I don't want to invite someone without having everyone agree.

"I think it's a good idea." He yawns and I can tell he didn't get enough sleep last night, honestly none of us did.

"Ok I'm going to text her do you want to watch something with me?" I ask and he nods.

I pull out my laptop and play a drama that I downloaded the night before. I plug in my headphones and give him on the ear pieces. He puts it in his ear and I do too. I play the drama and he leans his head on my shoulder to get a better view of the screen.

Is you alive?

Stop being annoying what do you want?

So Jimin and I are going to London and we were wondering if you wanted to tag along?

I think I can free up a few days but I might only bring Hyuna with me because my husband has to go to work and Daesung has to go to school.

Ooooo ok that sounds good. Also......

What did you do Y/n?

Um so Jungkook and Taehyung are with us too.

What!?!? When...when... how... explain when I see you.

Ok sounds good.

I look over at Jimin to tell him unnie will be joining us but he fell asleep. I look out his natural pout that formed on his lips while sleeping and instantly smile. I slowly take the headphones of or his ear trying not to wake him up and put everything back into my backpack. I look back over at Jimin a softly kiss his fluffy cheek. I smile at the sight and lean my head on Jimin's head that was on my shoulder and doze off as well.

Poke. Poke. Poke. Again with the poking. The lil finger keeps on poking my stomach causing me to giggle because I'm ticklish.

"I get it we're here right?" I open my eyes to see a Jimin smiling at me.

"We are, how was your nap?" He kisses my forehead and I yawn.

"It was good I feel refreshed." I smile.

"I sent Taehyung and Jungkook to get our tickets." He says and I nod getting out of the car.

Paris the city of Romance (Park Jimin ff)Where stories live. Discover now