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"Y/n I have known you for twenty-one days but I feel like I have known you for a long time. I have opened up to you like you have to me and I feel connected to you. Like two strings are pulling and tying us. I feel like fate has brought us together because we met two times randomly. I know it's a bit soon but I really want to ask you if you will be my girlfriend?"

I look up at him and as I was about to say yes I hesitated. I've never dated anyone and to be honest I'm afraid especially an idol that scares me even more. Jimin sees the hesitation and I can tell that sadness fills his eyes. But instead, he gives me a weak smile and slowly lets me go. 

"Come on we have a few more places to go." He says but walks in front of me. 

I take one last glance at the magnificent view but one question comes to mind. What have I done? I walk behind Jimin him leading the way but I can tell he's a bit upset but I'll leave it for now.   

We decided to walk around take more pictures. There were a couple of shops that we stopped at just looking at unique things. There are huge malls with a lot of designer brands. Both of us didn't do a lot of shopping just got small things but I was still bothered by what happened in the morning. 


"So I decided we should ride a Bateaux Mouches and get the view of the city from the Seine river." (A Bateaux Mouches is a French rowboat thing lol)

"Ok that sounds great," I reply while he leads us closer to the dock 

It's dinner time now and we decided to go on the dinner cruise. Every step I take makes my heart beat faster I've never had someone do so much just for me. I feel so special today. To board the boat it not that far from the tower it's just near it by the left bank.

I notice a lot of people are wearing formal clothing ready to board the boat.  I look in front a notice it's a two-story boat, super long which looks like it could hold at least a thousand people. It looks like there are about forty people ready to board the boat but what if someone recognizes Jimin. 

"Jimin," I call and tug on his arm. He was standing in front of me looking at the boat as well. He turns around and scans my concerned face.

"What's wrong, do you not want to ride it?" He asks but I instantly shake my head.

"It's not that but what if  someone recognizes you." I look down. 

He gently cups my face and lifts it "I mean they might but why not live life to the fullest." He smiles. 

"That doesn't make me feel better." I hit his chest but give him a quick hug. He giggles in response but wraps his hand around me.

People slowly started boarding the Bateaux Mouches and we waited until only a few people went on it and then went on. The best thing about the Bateaux Mouches is that they give you food and you can always bribe me with food especially if it involves chocolate. We both decided to sit at a table for two that is by the water. After everyone boarded the boat started moving. Both Jimin and I were enjoying the soft chatter and soft music playing behind.

The whole ride is about an hour and forty-five minutes so I'm excited about what this ship brings. After a while of conversing with one another champagne arrived and we drank a little bit. The kind staff took our orders and we got our dinner which tasted amazing.

"This is so good," I say with my mouth full and Jimin giggles at the sight of my puffed up cheeks.

"It really is." He agrees.

"Do you think we can kidnap the chef and make him cook for us," I say.

"How would we do that?" He asks and I ponder for a bit.

Paris the city of Romance (Park Jimin ff)Where stories live. Discover now