Chapter 30: Back home

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Y/n: Your name


~Y/n's Pov~

Since I was finally of age my mom wanted to teach me some new magic. The longest one was learning how to transform like her. She's an Animagus, and thank goodness it rained last night. I finally finished my training by taking the Animagus potion. Unlike my mother who is a cat, I transform into a Grim Wolf. Besides the excessive amount of paperwork, the most difficult part was keeping the mandrake leaf in my mouth from full moon to full moon. All of it was done safely. Luckily my dad saw it before he had to go to work in America.

She was making lunch, as I read the Daily prophet. "I don't like the minister." I threw it into the fireplace. "I know, but we can't do much about it right now... By the way, you need to pack your stuff for school after lunch, we are leaving tonight." She put the meal down on the table. "Where are we going again?" I started grabbing food. "There's a meeting of the order tonight and I don't want to miss it."

~Time Skip~

"Is this all your stuff?" I brought everything downstairs. "Yes mom" she waved her wand and my stuff was gone. "Come on, it's time to go." She transformed into a Bengal cat. I followed transforming too. It wasn't long before we were in front of this building. "Woah!" Harry shouted when he saw us. We transformed back. "Hi Harry, this is my mom." He gave me a blank stare. "It's so nice to meet you Harry" My mom broke the silence, "there's time for greetings inside, the meetings is about to start." Mad eye tapped his staff twice on the ground. "You're an Animagus?" Harry whispered. "Yeah, but don't tell anyone yet. I want to talk to Sirius about it because he can transform into something similar." Harry nodded as we entered the new house that appeared.

The hallway was dark with a door at the end of it. We heard arguing coming from the other side. My mom and Mad eye went in while Sirius came out. "Filth! Scum! Half-breeds, mutants, freaks, begone from this place! How dare you befoul the house of my fathers?" We heard a voice say. "Shut up you miserable old hag!" Sirius yelled back. "Blood Traidor, abomination, shame of my flesh." I got a good look at the picture that was yelling at us now. Sirius threw a sheet over it. "Yes, yes, do shut up" He laughed. "Was that your--" Sirius hugged Harry, "Mother, yes. Dear old mum." he looked at the sheet, "But why here?" I asked, "This house has been in our family for centuries, its mine now. Y/n, its good to see you. Your mother has let me know about your Animagus. There is no need to fear it. It doesn't affect your personality or well being at all." He hugged me, "it's good to see you too! Thank you, I was worried that it was trying to tell me something." we laughed. "Harry! Y/n! It's so good to see you both!" Molly hugged us. "It's good to see you too Mrs. Weasley!" Harry said. "Sirius, the meeting is about to start." She got this worried look on her face. "Now you two, go on upstairs, quietly, if you please. They're all up there. Ron is in the first room on the left and the twins are somewhere up there." She laughed and pushed us up the stairs. I looked around at the rooms.

I went into the second door on the left to see Fred laying on the bed. "Y/n! God I've missed you!" I shut the door behind me as he ran over to me. "What's with the lack of clothes?" we hugged. "Well we have this room to ourselves and I was just relaxing before dinner." He sat back down on the bed and put his shirt back on. "So what did you do this summer?" I sat down next to him. "Mum has been super worried about Voldemort being back so we haven't been able to do anything. Especially with everything the ministry has been saying. We also haven't heard from Percy in a long time." I gave him a hug. "I can't imagine what that is like, I'm so sorry." I kissed his cheek as George apparated into the room, "Come on you two, the others are acting weird." Fred and I stood up, "You ready love?" I nodded yes and he took my hand and soon we apparated into the others room. "Harry." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "We thought we heard your dulcet tones" Fred sat down next to me, pulling me into his lap. "Don't bottle it up there mate. Let it out." George added. "Anyways, if you're all done shouting" Fred stood up and put me down. "Do you want to hear something a little more interesting?" George held out a big ear.

We all made our way to the staircase quietly. "If anyone has a right to know its Harry. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't even know he's back." We heard someone say through the ear. "He's not an adult Molly"
"He's not a child either. He's not James, Sirius."
"He's not your son"
"He's as good as" Mrs. Weasley snapped. "Who else has he got." Ginny walked up. "Hey Ginny" Harry said. I nudged her and she started blushing. "He's got me"
"How touchingly paternal Black, perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon just like his godfather" Severus said. I looked at Fred confused. "You stay out of this snivellus" Sirius snapped back. "Snapes part of the order?" Harry looked at us confused, we shrugged because we were just as confused as he was. Crookshanks hit the ear and we all looked at George, "Get it up" I whispered. "Crookshanks, no! Leave it alone!" Hermione whisper yelled. Crookshanks took the ear and ran away with it. We all looked at each other and thought it was the best idea to go back to our rooms. We walked back as quietly as possible. I sat on the bed. I watched Fred cast the Muffliato charm around the room and locked the door. "So what did you do this summer?" He asked me. "Oh nothing much. My dad went off to work in America and I learned some new things." he laid down, "Like what?" he pulled me onto his chest. "It's nothing." I smiled, "Well it has to be something." he sat up, "Please don't judge... I'm still kinda worried about it, even though Sirius said it was okay." I chuckled. "You're safe with me." he stood up and grabbed my hands. I let go and backed up. He watched me change into a wolf. "Wait really! You're an animagus?" I ran around him and changed back. "It was a big deal to learn on my moms side so she wanted to teach me too. Pass on the legacy and whatever." I laughed as he picked me up, "That's so cool!" Someone pounded on the door. "Dinner!" Ron yelled. I walked to the door but Fred just sat down. "Are you coming?" I held out my hand. "Sure" He grabbed it and we walked out of the room to see George. "Wanna scare mom?" I didn't even get to say a word when Fred and George apparated. "Oh! Just because you can use magic now, does not mean you can whip your wands out for everything!" We ran to the dining room as she yelled at us. We sat down and Fred leaned over to me. "I might whip my wand out later" he whispered in my ear. I turned to him with a red face as he winked. We all enjoyed the delicious meal Mrs. Weasley made. Tonks was making Ginny and I laugh as she changed her nose and mouth to ones of different animals. "I don't understand, what does the Ministry of magic have against me?" The table fell silent as we waited to hear Sirius's answer. "Show him, he'll find out soon enough." Moody told Sirius. Kingsly handed Harry the newspaper from today, it was titled, The Boy who Lies? "He's been attacking Dumbledore as well" Lupin looked at Sirius not knowing what else to say, "Fudge is using all his power including his influence of The Daily Prophet to smear anyone who claims the dark lord has returned" Harry looked around, "why?" Lupin looked up, "The minister thinks Dumbledore is after his job." Harry snapped, "That's insane. No one in their right mind would believe that."
"That's exactly the point, Fudge isn't in his right mind. It's been twisted and warped by fear. Now fear makes people do terrible things Harry. The last time Voldemort gained power, he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear. Now he's returned, I'm afraid the minister will do almost anything to avoid facing them." Lupin tried calming Harry down. "We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again. 14 years ago he had a huge numbers of his commands. Not just witches and wizards but all matters of dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily and we've been attempting to do the same. But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's interested in." Sirius looked at Molly, then continued. "We believe Voldemort may be after something." Moody interrupted as he saw Molly stopped serving dessert. "Sirius"
"Something he didn't have last time."
"You mean, like a weapon" Harry responded. "No, that's enough. He's just a boy. You say much more you might as well induct him into the order straight away." I've never seen Molly this way, it scared me. "Good, I want to join" I looked at my mother scared. "If Voldemort is gaining an army I want to fight." Sirius smiled and winked at Molly. She walked back and finished handing out dessert, nobody said another word.

~Time Skip~

"Please be careful" I hugged my mom. "I will dear, just be safe at school. I'll see you next summer."
"Wait, why won't I see you at Christmas?"
"I'll be in America with your dad, alerting the wizards there of what's going on and trying to get some more people in the Order. Molly said, she'll watch over you." she smiled. "And We won't be able to write. Owls don't exactly fly across the sea." She laughed. "I love you mom" I hugged her again. "I love you too." she transformed and ran out the door. "You coming up to bed?" Fred held out his hand from the stairs, "of course" I smiled and followed him up the stairs.

Word Count: 1796

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