Chapter 24: The Second Task

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Y/n: Your name

Y/l/n: Your last name


~Fred's Pov~

George and I made our way down to the lake. "Place Your bets!" We shouted as student's walked past. We got a good amount of money. It was close to the task starting so we got on a canoe. "Y/n wouldn't miss this. Where is she?" George looked at me, "How am I supposed to know, she wasn't at breakfast either." he laughed. "Yeah, she's probably there with Hermione." I set the box down.

~Harry's Pov~

"You're sure about this Neville?" He handed me the gillyweed, "Absolutely". I play with it in my hand, "For an hour?" he looked down, "Most likely." I looked up at him, "Most likely?" He kept his head down, "Well there is some debate among herbologists as to the effects of freshwater versus saltwater." We got up and walked towards the platform. "You're telling me this now?" He got flustered. I just wanted to help". I realized how mean I was coming off, "Thanks Neville" Ron caught up with us, "Good luck Harry!" I smiled.

"Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they'll be on their own." I looked at the water, then at the gillyweed in my hand. "Put it in your mouth." Someone grunted behind me. I started chewing on it and then I felt like I was suffocating. The cannon went off then all I felt was cold. Someone pushed me into the lake. I struggled as I felt gills form on both sides of my neck. Before going down I flipped in the air.

I dove deeper and heard a scream. I followed some fish to see Y/n and Hermione at the bottom of the lake. Cedric was close behind. He grabbed Cho and made sure I knew how much time we had left. I got Y/n free and started to get Hermione as a mermaid put a speir to my throat, "She's my friend too" I tried explaining, "Only one" she looked behind me then swam off shrieking. A shark came up behind and got Hermione. I noticed it was Viktor so I let her go. But while all the merpeople were gone I grabbed the last person. I started swimming up with them. I took my last breath as I noticed my gills were disappearing. The merpeople caught up to me so I pushed them as hard as I could so they could get to the surface.

~Y/n's Pov~

I opened my eyes to hear cheering. I was cold and I have no idea how I got in the lake. I saw a little girl in the lake with me, I put her on my back and swam to the platform. Fleur was there holding out her arm. She grabbed her sister then helped me up. "Thank you" She said, hugging me. I sat on the edge trying to gather my thoughts as Hermione came up to me. "Oh thank goodness, you're alive. Harry!" she grabbed us both, "Where did you come from." He started laughing, "I just shot out of the lake." We laughed, "You two must be freezing, let me get another towel." Harry looked at his hands. "Is everything alright?" I put my hand on his shoulder. "I lost." he frowned. "Not really, Fleur had to back out" Hermione wrapped him in a towel and handed me one. "Attention!" Dumbledore

yelled, "Attention! The winner is... Mr Diggory!" Harry stood up as all of Cedric's friend's cheered. "For showing unique command of the bubblehead shark. The way I see it, Mr Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Miss Y/l/n but the others as well. We've agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fibre." I smiled and cheered with the crowd. "I told you Harry!" I hugged him. Hermione, Harry, Cedric, and I started walking to the canoes. "All that moral fibre eh?" Cedric laughed while nudging him. "Even when you go wrong it turns out right." I laughed as Barty approached us. We walked off as Harry talked to him. "We need to celebrate the two hogwarts champions getting the top two spots." Hermione looked at me. "For sure! Does tonight work for you Cedric?" I asked. "Yeah, it should. Where will this party be?" we stepped onto a canoe. "The room of requirement" I held the towel closer to myself as we started to move, "Are you cold?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Here" a hat was placed on top of my head. "Fred!" I hugged him. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot I was wet." He started laughing. "It's okay, come back here." he pulled me down so I was leaning on him. "Wanna throw a party tonight?" 

I was thinking exactly the same thing- Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now