Chapter 13: Dragons

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Y/n: Your name


~Y/n's Pov~

"Amazing. Amazing." Neville picked up some plants and put them in jars. "What about this one?" I pointed to some plants by me, "Those are brilliant! Thanks Y/n". Harry looked up at us. "Magical water plants of the highland Lochs?" Harry put the Daily Prophet down. "Moody gave it to me. That day we had tea." Hermione, Ginny, and Ron walked up. Harry stood up and talked to Hermione, "Well you can tell Ronald-"

"I'm NOT an owl!" Hermione yelled at Harry. She grabbed Ginny and they walked off. "What was that all about" I took a seat next to Harry. "Ron is still mad at me for my name coming out of the Goblet and apparently Hagrid is looking for me" he looked my way. "Well you better find him sooner rather than later" I picked up what he was reading. "See you later than!" He waved goodbye. "What was he reading?" Neville asked. "Harry Potter aged 12, suspect entrant in the tri-wizard tournament. His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his past." I read aloud. "I always hate reporters... Can you help me get these back to the common room?" He pointed to the jars, "Of course!"

~Time Skip~

I sit alone in the window of the common room, reading, waiting for Harry to return. "What are you reading bug?" the book got taken out of my hands. "A potions book? With recipes on the note cards?" Fred sat next to me, "Uh yeah, I started coming up with how to make some of the candies we talked about."

"This is brilliant! I can't wait to start making them! Want to do it not?" he had a sparkle in his eyes. "I can't Freddie. I'm sorry. I'm waiting for Harry. He is with Hagrid, who is showing him something apparently." Fred stood up, "Its the dragons."


"Charlie was here today bringing these dragons for the first task." I covered my mouth with my hands. "Oh my goodness... But how was seeing Charlie?" I smiled, "it was nice! I haven't seen him in quite some time and his letters were boring" we laughed as Harry walked in. We sat with him on the couch. "Dragons..." we sat there for a while. "And you are only allowed a wand." Fred added. "So what can I do?" Fred and I look at each other. "You're great at flying!"

"And how does that help?" Harry snapped, I frowned. "There is a spell that you can use to call your broom to you." Fred said, grabbing my hand, "Just say 'Accio' and whatever you want to call. here I'll show you. Accio Pen" and with a flick of my wand, the pen next to Harry flew into my hand. "Now you try" I set the pen down. We practiced for an hour. "Great job Harry! Now off to bed with you. You need all the rest you can get!" I sent him to bed. I started heading out the portrait hole. "Now where are you going bug?" Fred grabbed my hand and stopped me. "I owe Hermione a pie so I was going to make it real quick."

"Can I help?"

"Of course!" we ran down the halls. "Wait let me check something... I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He tapped his wand to a paper. The Marauders Map is what read. "What is that?" he looked up at me. "The Marauders map shows you where everyone is, at any time and place in the castle." I smiled and looked down, "Follow me" he lead me into this stairwell. "This is one of many secret passages that we found on the map, you've been here. Its just dark so you might not remember." he looked back down at the map. "Almost there" we ran for a little bit longer. We got into the kitchen. We laughed and made another 2 pies. "One for tonight, One for tomorrow to celebrate!" I took them out of the oven. "We cant forget the meringue!" he brought a piping bag over. We finished and started going back the way we came.

"Oh no" he looked worried. "What's wrong Freddie?" I looked up at him. "George is in the stairwell we were in earlier... and he's not alone"

"Isn't there another way we can go?" He shook his head no. "I guess we have to be really quiet" "Here we go, I'd hold your breath." he grabbed my hand and we made our way in. I stepped on something soft and started to slip. Fred caught me quickly. My face got warm. I looked down to see what I stepped on, George's vest was there. I looked at Fred and as if he could read my mind, "can you two stop for a second so we can walk around?" he asked. "What are you doing up?" George asked. "Pie" I look at Angelina, "Save me some please" I nodded. We got back to the common room.

"Oh my goodness" we laughed. We put the pies away. "Hopefully we don't have to run into that again." Fred sat down in front of the fire. "Yeah, but we probably will." We laughed. Not long after I fell asleep in Fred's arms.

Word Count: 878

I was thinking exactly the same thing- Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now