Chapter 9: Ideas

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Y/n: Your name

Y/l/n: Your last name


~Fred's Pov~

I woke up super early so I wouldn't make her uncomfortable. I got ready for our first class and woke her up, "Hey Y/n, it's time to get up." She sat up looking scared. "What time is it?" she looked at George and I. "About 6" She stood up quickly. "Thank you for waking me up. See you at breakfast?" We nodded. She left in a hurry. "So, how was last night?" George grabbed my shoulder. "I mean I slept." I grabbed some books and put them in my bag. "Fred and Y/n sitting in a tree" he started laughing. "Alright I get it. You coming?" we made our way down to the common room.

~Y/n's Pov~

All I remembered was the crackle of the warm fire and cinnamon. I don't even know how I got to Fred's room. I ran into my dorm trying to not wake up my roommates. I changed and went back downstairs to see the twins on the couch. "I could go for a good cup of tea. How about you two?" I asked as I walked up behind them. "Yeah, sounds great!" George stood up. "You coming Fred?" I asked half way through the door. "Yeah, I'll catch up" I looked at George, "I'll stay here" He got back into the room. "Save us two seats please!"

"Okay!" I walked to the Great Hall. I saw Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Harry already sitting down. "Do you mind if I join you?" I smiled. "No, not at all." Harry pushed a plate my way.

~Fred's Pov~

"Is everything okay?" George flopped next to me. "Yeah, just trying to plan something."

"Let me help"

"I don't know George, this isn't your strong suit." I laughed hitting his arm. "Trust me. I know a little bit of what I'm doing." he got up, "I'll believe it when I see it." we headed down to the Great Hall. "Morning everyone." George grabbed a plate. I sat down next to Y/n. "Do you need help?" She seemed to struggle with the tea. "Please." she handed the pot to me. I made her tea and we started eating. "What classes do you have this year?" Hermione asked. Ron, Harry, and Ginny listed their classes then Ron pointed to us. "Let me guess, you 3 have the same classes again, don't you?" we laughed. "Yeah, George, Y/n, and I have the same classes again" I looked over at them, "Mainly so we can work on some jokes, candies, and other stuff." George added. "Yeah! It's so much fun!" Y/n had a sparkle in her eyes. I smiled knowing that she had fun with us.

~Y/n's Pov~

I got up after finishing and cleaning up breakfast. "Ready for class boys? We have potions first." Fred and George stood up, "Yep!" they said, in unison. We walked down to Snape's class. "Good morning class. Can anyone tell me what this is?" I raised my hand, "Yes, Ms. Y/l/n" I walked over. "It's Amortentia sir. A love potion that smells different to each person. When consumed it causes a powerful infatuation or obsession. For example it smells like cinnamon, fire, and tea." I backed away realizing what I said. "You are correct. 5 points to Gryffindor." He muttered. Now everyone smell it and write me a paper on what you smell and how this potion works." I sat down at a desk with a little cauldron of it. "What does it smell like to you George?" I tapped his arm. "It smells like toothpaste, roses, and toast." He smiled. "Ahhhh and who might that be?" Fred teased. "That's none of your business." Fred and I giggled. "And what bout you Fred?" George got all serious. "No" I looked over, "why won't you tell us Freddie?" he seemed to have gotten all red. "Because I don't want to talk about it." he folded his arms. "Looks like Freddie might be in looooooovvvvveeee" George teased. "Shove off man". I looked down at my paper and started writing. I hope he didn't know that for me it smelled like him.

~Time Skip~

Class ended and we went back to the common room. "I love being a 6th year" I flopped down on the couch. "Me too! Free periods are the best!" George agreed. "So about these things you two want to make, I have some ideas" I pulled out my notepad, "Well let's hear them" Fred sat down close to me, "Well I have three... A kind of hat where when you wear it your head and the hat disappear, maybe a love potion that isn't Amortentia strong, and a candy that can get you out of class." I showed them some sketches. "These all sound good!" Fred took the notepad out of my hands for a closer look. "But what kind of candy could get you out of class?" George asked, being handed the notepad. "Well what kind of illnesses are there that aren't life threatening?" Fred looked down at me. "Well there are fevers, headache, throwing up but that's gross, and maybe uncontrollable sneezing?" As I listed them off I felt like I sounded insane but Fred got this twinkle in his eye. "That's Brilliant!" I smiled. "OH! Like a Fever fudge!" George pointed at the notepad for me to write it down. One by one we called out things, Fainting Fancies, Nosebleed Nougat, and Puking Pastilles. "Ugh, puking" I shivered. "What, does it make you feel ill just thinking about it?" Fred looked at me concerned, "just a little" I laughed. "It's time for our next class. We can talk more about this later" I got up and we headed to our next class.

Word Count: 963

I was thinking exactly the same thing- Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now