The Art of Coveting That Which Isn't Yours

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A/N: Okay. So. Y'all are going to hate me for this, I know it already, but I mean... after the last chapter did anyone really hold out hope for Terry?
^-^ I love you all and hope that everyone's being safe!
WARNINGS- mentions of unhealthy relationships (even for the standards of Tomarry, geez), Terry being a creep/absolute psychopath


Terry had never considered himself a religious man.

His parents swore to something beyond his bounds of logic and though it had brought him nothing but grief from them, he didn't care. He was magic and they were not, not to mention he was far smarter than they would ever be and he had already been practicing erasing small memories of him, buying books from Knocturn so one day... he would not be tied to them anymore.

Free of the burden that came with the idiots.

And yet...

He supposed his lack of belief in a higher power before was because he hadn't seen how much it could benefit him until Lena Farland had sat down before him with a smile more beautiful than any he'd ever had sent his way.

As if fate or some higher power had sent her to him.

Terry was never good at things like moderation and what he wanted usually ended up in his hands one way or another, so when something so coveted was set right in front of him- well- he wanted it.

At first, it had been a purely selfish desire, but after immersing himself into Lena's life, he then understood his real purpose and the reason she found him.

The woman that called herself his mother had always told him that there would always be someone better and wasn't that so very true in this case? Lena was a leader of many and the idol of more- so, in this case, wasn't it her greatest and deepest wish to then find someone better than herself to look up to?

She had found him to show him his true potential- even if he had always known he was made to be greater than those that had long kept him under contempt.

But first, he had to get her to somehow take off that be-damned locket.

Lena seemed to think that though the Slytherins seemed to worship the ground she walked on- the rest of the school having been won over by her neutrality in not hating the rest of the houses and how brilliant she had been during the Tri-wizard Tournament- she was only known to those that she knew.

Where in reality, there was a whole rumor chain about the girl and her mystery memory of 'Tom', many rumors about them popping up over time.

He, however, only had the patience to think about one that fit logically to the situation.

The memory of this boy- the one that Lena was so fond of- was stored in that locket.

Terry wasn't about to conclude if that was true or not, but he had noticed that she was more distracted from him when she had it with her and less likely to accept the gentle way he wanted to show her that he'd accepted his place, that it was alright to let go of the 'independence' she was clutching onto because her last strong male figure had died when she was young.

And by... rewording a few of the other Slytherin's words when he'd asked about the locket and then coming to her as if concerned, she was already wearing the gold accessory less.

It was taking longer than he thought, as the idea that she was in charge, that she was a natural leader that so many other deluded fools had pushed onto her had been there for a long time.

But that was alright, as he was patient and he would be waiting patiently when she accepted her place in his life.

After all, there was nothing sweeter than winning.

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