Why Not A Bit of Domesticity?

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A/N: I hope no one is drowning in green jello- that's my job.
*eyes you warily*
No green jello for you.


It was in Severus Snape that she found someone to stay the summer with, as he asked if he could still be her godfather and she liked his sarcastic humor enough to say yes (which was good with Magic), so they went to the Goblins first thing after leaving Hogwarts.

Snape moved to a teller, putting a clenched fist over his heart. "I am here to make sure the right paperwork has been filed for my guardianship of Lena Farland."

The goblin grunted, then moved to write something on a black stone, a file appearing before him. Looking through it, glancing at her from time to time, the man nodded. "The paperwork is up to date. Though Heiress Slytherin-Farland has yet to take up her heirships."

"Ah. Right." Recalling the tradition that heirs to houses would get rings to protect them from harm at the age of thirteen, she looked to the teller with a sharp smile. "If I may collect my heirship rings now, I would appreciate it if I could take any paperwork or information with me to send in later."

With a nod, as if she was right in asking for that, another file was sent for, and then she was handed a folder that she carefully tucked in her bag.

Two boxes were set on the edge of the teller's desk and she sighed slightly.

She got the feeling that this would help a bit with the idiot purebloods, but as for the rest of Hogwarts...

Opening the first one to see a silver ring with two snakes wrapped around an emerald, she looked to Snape, who pointed to his right ring finger. Slipping it on, she felt a soft warm sensation and then opened the other box to see a simple gold band bearing a sword on it. The dark-haired potions master pointed to his left pinky finger and she slipped it on her left hand.

"Great." She smiled at the goblin toothily. "My vaults?"

With a grin back the goblin nodded. "The investment you made into Hogsmeade paid off- the small chocolate shop is doing quite well, as they import very cheap thanks to you, and as for the... potion ingredients you sent us- they were quite lucrative. The Farland vault is doing quite well."

"Cancel the scholarship then and mail me a statement on my vaults so I can go over them at a later time. Good day."

The goblin nodded to her. "You as well, Heiress."

Snape side-eyed her as they picked up a few things in the apothecary, portkeying to his smaller townhouse so she could get through the wards. "You know that the Slytherin Heirship will come with problems... right?"

"And I will meet them as they come. Do you mind if I take a nap?" She padded into the house and looked back so she could see the man point to a room. "Thanks. I'll be up to make dinner, as I usually don't sleep that long."

Lena and Snape (he'd told her to call him Severus, but she wasn't sure about that for now) had a process. She'd do most of the cooking, as she liked the process when it wasn't for the Orphanage, going grocery shopping nearby every week and occupying herself when she was bored. Snape made potions over the summer that he then sold to various apothecaries, so she had picked up a part-time job at a large bookstore just a few bus stops away so she could read and be out of the house while the man was brewing.

She was shelving books, listening to her walkman with headphones- having gotten the muggle technology after an older teenager working at the shop had suggested she listen to music while working- when a hand tapped her shoulder.

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