1. Reaching You No Matter What

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"Did you see how Min Seonsaengnim was looking at Jeon Seonsaengnim?", a girl whispers. Another one nods. "I noticed that, too. Maybe they're dating. How cute", she giggles.

Behind them, Yoongi clears his throat, startling them. "I hope this Min Seonsaengnim is not me. Because The Min Yoongi? Dating Jeon Jungkook? I'd rather drink poison", he states.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, coming up from nowhere. "What makes you think I'd even glance your way, Yoongi-ssi?", he teases. Yoongi laughs quietly, watching the girls' faces pale in horror.

"And you two", Jungkook turns to said horrified girls, narrowing his eyes. "It'd be better if you keep your queer fetishes to yourself. Not all men being touchy or fond with each other are dating", he reprimands.

The girls' faces now turn crimson, having been called out. They bow repeatedly, apologizing furiously before rushing to their respective classes.

Jungkook huffs, fixing his tie. Yoongi just laughs, walking beside him. "Damn, you didn't need to embarass them like that", he says even though Jungkook knows he loved the show.

"I totally did. They're seventeen, hyung. I don't think it's appropriate for them to go around and have queer fetishes in the name of supporting lgbtq people", he says. "Also, what'd you say? You'd rather drink poison than date me?", he adds with a fake pout.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "I'm not saying you aren't boyfriend material, Jungkookie. Heck, you're a whole husband material. But you know, the 'Bro Code' refrains me from looking at you that way", he says seriously.

Jungkook raises an eyebrow, trying to act nonchalant at being called 'Husband material'. His blushy cheeks totally give him away but Yoongi is kind enough to not call him out on that.

"Oh so the 'Bro Code' refrains you from dating me but does nothing to refrain you from ogling my best friend? Right in front of my salad?!", Jungkook exclaims, incredulous.

Yoongi's whole face sets on fire at his words, neck and ears going red, too. Jungkook laughs sweetly. "You thought I wouldn't know, didn't you?", he mocks, whistling lowly when he sees Jimin coming up to him.

"Mimi, hey!", he calls, watching from his peripheral vision as Yoongi goes even redder. "What are you doing here?", he asks. Jimin shrugs. "My gig ended early so I thought I'd pick you up and maybe we could go grab coffee or something", he answers.

Jungkook smiles. Jimin really is the best. Then he remembers Yoongi. "Yoongi hyung, why don't you come with us?", he asks, voice sugary sweet. Yoongi glares at him. "No, it's okay", he says.

Jungkook makes a face. "Come on. Don't be a killjoy. It's just coffee", he says. Yoongi is about to protest when Jimin's melodious voice rings in his ears. "Yoongi-ssi, I'd love if you would come. I insist", he says, eyes all large and shiny.

And Min Yoongi is only a weak, gay man. He can't deny a pretty man of anything he asks. Needless to say, he didn't need any more convincing.


"Jungkook, are you still going to host your radio show tonight?", Jimin asks, taking a bite of his cheesecake. Jungkook hums around his mug of hot cocoa.

Yoongi's eyebrows knit in worry. "But isn't it exam season? Are you sure you'll be able to do both?", he asks worriedly. Jungkook smiles at him. "Of course, Yoongi hyung. It's just two shows per week. I'm sure I can handle staying up late to grade papers", he answers cheekily.

Jimin chuckles. "I think you still haven't known my Jungkookie well enough, Yoongi-ssi. If he sets his mind on something, he has to get it done, no matter what. And he's not wrong. It's two shows per week. Nothing he can't manage", he says proudly.

Yoongi grins at him, a little shyly, gawking at him when he thinks Jimin isn't looking. And well, it's not like Jimin is going to let him know he's been caught and call him cute right then and there.

"What's up with you? You're flattering me more than usual", Jungkook speaks with a raised eyebrow. Jimin rolls his eyes. "Jeon Jungkook, I always flatter you. You just don't wanna take my compliments seriously", he says as a matter of fact.

Jungkook ignores him.

"Changing the topic, Yoongi hyung, did you know Jimin li---sjshhsdkkdsklsjl", Jungkook says, muffled, licking Jimin's hand when he doesn't let go, startling the shorter man a little.

"What was that?", Yoongi asks, surprised. Jimin fidgets nervously with his hands. "Nothing. Jungkook was just going to say something embarrassing about me", he says, side eyeing Jungkook who does a gesture of zipping his lips with his index finger and thumb.

"Oh, I don't wanna hear anything that will embarrass you, Jimin-ssi. Don't worry", Yoongi smiles up at him. Jimin flushes under his undivided attention. Meanwhile, Jungkook makes fake gagging noises at their awkward flirting (?). He's not sure that can be called flirting.

"Anyway, tell me more about your radio show for tonight. You told me this month is gonna be special. New Year and all that jazz", Yoongi says, nonchalantly playing with the spoon.

Jungkook's eyes light up in excitement. "Okay, so I'm gonna do a session where people send messages to their lovers, crushes, friends, family through me. They'll send me the messages and I'll convey them through the show", he speaks.

Jimin hums. "Can the letters be anonymous, too?", he asks. "Literally why are you asking me that? Do you perhaps wanna write to your crush?", Jungkook shoots back, smirking in Yoongi's direction who's too busy making (or ruining) designs on his coffee foam.

"Nothing like that, Jeon", Jimin grumbles. "I asked so that I could tell my other friends", he shrugs. "You don't have friends other than me and Seokjin hyung", he laughs. "I do!", Jimin exclaims. "Uh huh".

Sighing, Jimin decides not to argue with Satan's son anymore. It's impossible to win over him. Across from him, Jungkook smiles happily. He can't wait to read all the romantic and cheesy stuff he'll be reading.

And well, if anything goes wrong, we can just blame his virgo heart for being an absolute hopeless romantic.


Btw, the chapter titles may not make sense sometime. I just like the lyrics of Jamais Vu lol. And since this whole Marry Me thing came from that song, i was like, "why not?"
Hope it isn't a bother. I'm trying to match at much as i can!

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