4. I Need to Heal

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"Uh... Kim Namjoon?"

Namjoon looks up from the menu in his hand and almost gets startled by the beautiful man in front of him. "Oh!", he exclaims when he realizes he's supposed to be speaking. "That's me", he says.

The (overly handsome) man in front of him smiles and takes a seat on the chair across him. "Yoo Kihyun", he introduces himself. Realization dawns upon Namjoon. "Oh, hi, nice to meet you", he says quickly, fumbling with his words.

As embarassed as he feels, Kihyun just laughs quietly. "Nice to meet you, too, Namjoon", he says sweetly. Namjoon already feels at ease. Kihyun seems like a nice guy.

"Can we order first? I'm starving", Kihyun asks and Namjoon chuckles. "Same here", he replies. Just then, the waiter comes to take their orders. After their food arrives, they start talking.

"So, Namjoon, tell me about yourself", Kihyun suddenly says. Namjoon almost chokes on his food. He swallows thickly and downs the glass of water before speaking.

"Ah, I'm not that interesting. I'm 26 and I'm a Kindergarten Teacher. Oh and I'm vegetarian", he says and then immediately regrets it. Seriously, Namjoon? There was no need to speak about his vegetarian lifestyle.

Surprisingly, Kihyun lights up at that. "Hey, me too! Oh wait, I should probably tell you about myself", he giggles a little. "I'm 27, you should probably call me hyung. Anyway, I'm a Divorce Lawyer so basically, my job is to break homes".

Namjoon's eyes widen but he quickly looks down to avoid coming off as rude. Kihyun seems to notice, though, because he chuckles good-naturedly. "It's okay, everyone has that reaction. I don't actually willingly break homes, though", he clarifies.

Namjoon smiles sheepishly. Right. "My parents wanted to be a lawyer", he shares. Kihyun hums in interest but doesn't say anything, leaving room for Namjoon to either divert the conversation or dig deeper if he wants to.

"I guess that just wasn't for me. It didn't work out. To be honest, I'm not sure if I wanted it to work out", he laughs. Kihyun does the same, a comforting sound. "What about now? Are you happy with what you're doing?", he asks.

Namjoon smiles. "I am. I think choosing to teach little kids was the best decision of my life. They're no less than angels", he says. An image of Beomgyu and Soyoung pulling each other's hair flashes in his head. "Most of them", he amends.

Kihyun snorts. "Who said kids can't be the literal spawns of Satan, yeah?"

And it's all smiles and laughter after that.

Kihyun drops Namjoon to his apartment and in turn, Namjoon kisses his cheek to thank him for such a good time. "I'll be looking forward to our next date", Kihyun says with a wink. Namjoon blushes but nods.

"I'll text you", with that, Kihyun drives off to his own place. Namjoon smiles giddily to himself, giggling all the way to the fourth floor. His heart feels full with happiness and excitement. It's been ages since he had had such a good time with someone. He can totally imagine himself with Kihyun.

"I knew it!", someone shouts and Namjoon yelps, shocked. In front of him, stands Kim Seokjin in all his flesh and blood. He has a big smile on his face. Almost a smirk, if you will.

"It went well, didn't it?", he asks, wiggling his eyebrows. Namjoon rolls his eyes and bites his lip to keep himself from smiling too much. His dear cousin sees right through him.

"Oh my god, Joon-ah! I'm so happy for you!", he yells and pulls Namjoon into a hug, completely squishing him against his chest. Namjoon hits his arm multiple times to get Seokjin to let him breathe. Once he does, Namjoon has to gasp loudly for oxygen.

"You're so dramatic", Seokjin comments. But he's laughing and Namjoon knows he's genuinely happy for him. It makes him smile. "Tell me all the juicy details. What did you guys do? Did you kiss? Did you bang? I hope you used protection because---"

"Oh my god, hyung. Stop!", Namjoon exclaims, horrified. His face goes red as he pushes past Seokjin to get inside the flat. "How did you even get inside? Aren't you like, too rich to be wasting your time here?", he questions.

Seokjin scoffs. "Shut up. I have a key. Besides, your very hot best friend likes to come here all the time, I've heard", he says casually. Namjoon can hear the interest hidden in his voice, though.

"Jackson, you mean", he says, taking off his shoes. "Hyung, let me tell you beforehand. I know that guy very well. He's not looking for a serious relationship. I hope you don't get involve with him unless you're okay with being a one night stand and nothing else", he warns.

Seokjin winces. "Ouch. That stung", he says, dramatically clutching his chest. Namjoon rolls his eyes at his antics. He's exactly like his mother. "You know, Soojin imo told me to drag you back home. You should visit her", he says.

Seokjin raises an eyebrow as he takes a seat beside Namjoon on the couch. "As if you visit your parents all the time", he jabs. Namjoon glares at him. "Hyung, you know very well why I don't visit them anymore", he mumbles.

Seokjin sighs. "I know, sorry. I'll go visit mom and dad. Anyway, tell me about Kihyun!", he yells, hoping to divert the topic. It works because Namjoon quickly lights up at that, blushing furiously.

"He was amazing, hyung. The dream man", he sighs dreamily. They both giggle like teenagers. "I'm so happy for you, Joonie! You deserve it!", he says, pulling Namjoon into a tight hug, less bone-crushing than the first one.

Namjoon giggles into his shoulder. "I have a good feeling about this. I can't believe I was reluctant to go", he says with a shake of his head. He still has a hard time believing that his date went so well.

"Oh that reminds me...", Seokjin starts, pulling back from the hug so that Namjoon can see him grinning like the Cheshire cat from Cinderella.

Namjoon's eyes widen.



I heard Kihyun singing that one song and I decided I wanted him in my story sksjskssk. Btw, this is still Namkook, in case you were wondering 👀

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