16. Kafka on the Shore

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Namjoon sits at the dinner table silently eyeing the meat, trying hard not to glare at Jungkook who gives him an apologetic smile. He had realised Jungkook had done something the moment Jongsuk served everyone fresh cooked meat except him.

"Jungkook hadn't told me you're vegetarian so I only prepared this. I hope you don't mind, Namjoon. I feel like a bad host", Jongsuk says suddenly, pulling both of their attention towards him instead. Namjoon hurries to reassure him. "It's no problem. This is great", he smiles. And it is. There's kimchi and gamja-jeon with gochujang. Namjoon doesn't mind it but he admittedly feels the lack of meat on his plate.

"Of course, you'd say that. After all, Jungkook cooked it specially for you", Ji-eun teases, elbowing his side. Oh. Now that surprises Namjoon. He wasn't aware Jungkook cooked something specifically for him. He looks up at him, trying to meet his eyes but Jungkook looks away shyly. Namjoon feels something warm settle into the pit of his stomach. He ignores it and goes back to eating, smiling kindly at Jungkook's sister.

"How long do you plan to stay here?", Jungkook's father suddenly asks and Namjoon almost chokes. He looks up to see Jungkook clenching his jaw, chopsticks stabbing the meat in front of him. He should've sat beside him. "I don't know yet, Abeo-nim. Jungkook and I haven't really decided yet", he says politely. They've decided. Three weeks and it's done. Then they can go back to being strangers.

(Namjoon would like them to stay friends though, if that's something Jungkook would agree upon).

Jaehwan doesn't look happy with the answer. "Well, we won't keep you here long. We're only for a couple of weeks". He doesn't even try to hide the obvious distate he has for his son's supposed partner. Namjoon can't even begin to decipher why he dislikes him so much. It can't just be about money. Jungkook himself is a teacher for fuck's sake!

Jungkook and Namjoon's relationship is isn't even traditional to begin with but it can't be that he's homophobic considering how fondly he talks to Jongusk about his sister's daughter and her wife. (Yeah, Namjoon overhead them once).

"Appa, you cannot talk to him like that", Jungkook says suddenly, his steel chopsticks clinking loudly on the dinner table as he drops them. He actually looks angry and Namjoon doesn't know what to do. He can just hope Jungkook doesn't blow their cover. He doesn't mind Jungkook's dad being a pain in the ass as long as he doesn't say anything actually malicious.

"Jungkook, eat your food", Jaehwan says, not even sparing him a glance. It pisses Namjoon off for some reason. He sees Jungkook contemplate saying something more when Eunwoo tugs at his wrist and makes him sit back down albeit a little petulant. Namjoon sighs out in relief. Thank goodness there was no drama.

Dinner goes fairly smooth after that. Well, as smooth as it could go after that little hitch. "I'm sorry again", Jungkook says as soon as they're inside their room. Namjoon groans, falling on top of the bed. He still can't believe how comfortable, how cloud-like it is. "Stop apologising to me. It's fine", he says easily because it really is fine.

Jungkook huffs. "It's not. I don't know what's wrong with him. He never talked to Jongsuk hyung like this when noona brought him home even though he earned less than her. I don't know why he has such a big problem with you", he whines, falling next to Namjoon on the bed, face down.

Namjoon turns to rest his head on his palm, elbow digging into the soft mattress as he hums. "Maybe he just doesn't like me? Sometimes you dislike people for no reason", he tries to rationalise. Jungkook turns to look at him as well, shaking his head. "I don't think that's the case here. It's something else. It's not even that my parents dislike you. But I feel like they dislike the idea of me in a relationship for some reason? It's weird. I haven't really dated but they've always tried to subtly ask me about my love life. They've always wanted me to have a healthy relationship. But it's like they suddenly don't like it now that I actually have it", he sighs, beyond confused.

Namjoon doesn't know what to say to that. He's not ever been in this situation before. "Maybe they can tell we're faking it?", he tries. Yeah, that seems plausible. However, Jungkook shoots down that suggestion just as quick. "Not possible. If Jongsuk hyung and noona couldn't see through our lies, there's no way Appa and Eomma would". Okay, that's fair.

Namjoon spends the rest of the evening in his room thinking about it, refusing Jungkook's offer to go out with him and Eunwoo. He wants them to have some time to themselves. Maybe then they'll realise that their feelings are mutual and they don't have to torture each other like this.

It's half past eight when he finally gets out of bed to get some water from the kitchen, surprised to find not only Jungkook and Eunwoo in there but also Jungkook's parents. None of them have noticed him yet so he hides behind the wall to try and figure out if it's the right time to seek Jungkook.

Turns out Jungkook and Eunwoo haven't really noticed Jaehwan and Sumi yet who are looking at them fondly from just outside the kitchen. The two younger men are engrossed in some kind of animated world, giggling and laughing at things Namjoon can't quite decipher. They're standing too close, way too close, if he's being honest. Their heads leaning against each other as they whisper away.

He forces to look back at Jungkook's parents and sees them walking away with similar somber expressions on their faces, looking something between sad and elated. Namjoon tries to think what about Jungkook and Eunwoo is making them look that way before it hits him.



They don't like Namjoon.

They don't like Namjoon for Jungkook because they like Eunwoo.

"Jungkook, I love you. Please..."

"Hyung, I can't do this anymore".


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