3. I wanted to do Well

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"I'm not doing that", Namjoon says sternly. Seokjin rolls his eyes. "You're acting as I'm asking you to jump off of a bridge", he mocks. "It's a simple date, Joon-ah. Just give it a try", he says then.

Namjoon sighs. "Hyung, it's not a simple date. You set me up for a blind date. You know I hate those", he whines. Seokjin crosses his arms over his chest, frustrated. "No, I don't. Come on, Namjoon. Do this for hyung? My friends told me about this supposedly amazing guy and I think you should give him a chance", he says hopefully.

"Fine", namjoon huffs. Before Seokjin can jump in delight though, Namjoon speaks up again. "But if I regret this and he turns out to be everything I hate then you're paying for my lunch for a whole week", he shrugs.

Seokjin grins. "Deal. Anything is better than having to deal with your single ass everyday. What if my boyfriend judges you, huh?", he asks dramatically. Namjoon makes a face. "We talk once a month and you don't even have a boyfriend!", he says exasperatedly.

"That doesn't mean I don't already have eyes on someone!", seokjin retorts. Namjoon raises an eyebrow. "That's weirdly creepy", he says. "Well, to each his own, I guess. Anyway, if you like your date, you're going to do what I ask you to do. No compromises", Seokjin smiles evilly.

Namjoon narrows his eyes at him. "That's really not reassuring but it's okay. I know you have terrible choice when it comes to men. There's no way I'd like someone you set me up with", he snickers.

"Don't be dramatic. My choices are awesome when it comes to finding partners for other people", Seokjin says, looking way too serious than the situation calls for. Namjoon snorts in disbelief.

"Alright, then. Get ready to treat me for a week", he says smugly and stands up from his chair, waving to his cousin and then going straight to Hoseok and Taehyung's table.

"Your cousin is pretty good looking", Taehyung comments when Namjoon sits down on his chair. He chokes on nothing. "God, don't tell me..", he starts but Hoseok is already cutting him off. "Nah, neither of us is interested in polyamory. We just know how to appreciate beauty", he says.

Namjoon doesn't know if that makes him feel better but he would take that. "What were you guys talking about, by the way? It seemed pretty heated", Hoseok then says. Namjoon sighs. "He set me up for a blind date. He said he's tired of me being single as if he's not single himself", he says with a scoff.

Taehyung chuckles. "You're really handsome, too. I'd have never thought you were single. Much less, your cousin". Namjoon smiles at the compliment. "Thanks, Taehyung-ssi. I'm actually gonna go with it. Anything for free food".

He doesn't explain but they all laugh anyway. That's certainly true. If the options are being measured, free food is obviously going to be on the heavier side.


"God, what should I wear? I need to be there in twenty minutes!", Namjoon exclaims, freaking out as he rummages through his small wardrobe to find suitable clothes for his blind date.

"Dude, stop freaking out. Seokjin hyung wasn't lying. Your sex life is dry as fuck. Literally", Jackson says, shoving a handful of hot cheetos into his mouth. How he can do that, Namjoon has no idea.

"Whose side are you on, again?", Namjoon makes a face. "Bro, I'm Team Kim Seokjin all the way. Have you seen him? Hot as fuck. I'm surprised you haven't fucked him yet", Jackson says nonchalantly, making Namjoon choke on air.

He whips his head around to look at Jackson with a horrified look on his face. "Fucking hell, Jackson?! He's literally my cousin!", he yells, throwing a pillow at Jackson that lands directly on his face.

Jackson moves it to the side, unbothered. "Well, I'm not against incest. And cousins are not actually your full blood siblings so it's okay", he smiles sweetly, shoving another handful of cheetos into his dirty mouth.

"I wish death upon your children", Namjoon spits, scandalized as he takes out a few outfits. "Good thing I don't have any", Jackson laughs loudly. Namjoon pays him no mind, focusing on his clothes instead.

"Help me choose, bitch", he orders. Jackson sighs but complies, keeping his packet aside. "Only if you help me score a fuck date with your cousin", he smirks. Namjoon wants to say no but he knows Jackson will manage to convince him anyway so he simply agrees.

Besides, Jackson is totally not Seokjin's type and all he wants is to have sex with his cousin which Seokjin would never agree to.

"Dude, if it's a blind date, I think you might be meeting in a fancy restaurant. I say go for something casual but dandy, if you know what I mean", Jackson suggests, running his chin with his index and thumb.

Namjoon doesn't know if that's a good idea but he goes with it anyway. Seokjin was right. He's been single for too long. He doesn't even know how to prepare for the date or even dress himself up accordingly.

"If this goes wrong, I'm going to kill you", Namjoon threatens. Jackson whines. "That's not fair. First, you wish death upon my adorable non-existent children and now you threaten to murder me for your own incompetency? This is homophobia!".

Once again, Namjoon ignores him, rushing to the bathroom to change instead. He could change in the bedroom itself but he really doesn't want his 'gayer than thou' best friend to thirst after him. He already has enough on his plate.

When he comes out of the bathroom, dressed up with his hair nicely done, Jackson whistles lowly. "You look good, bro!", he says, looking extremely happy and overly proud.

Namjoon blushes. Jackson has always been a sucker for teasing so when he's actually honest with his compliments, it takes everyone off-guard. Namjoon included.

"Your date's gonna fall in love tonight", Jackson says.

Namjoon rolls his eyes. He can't attest to that. And he also can't say he wishes it goes well. Because---

Well, free food.


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