17. Butterfly Effect

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"Jungkook, maybe you should tell Eunwoo that you like him", Namjoon announces as soon as Jungkook enters their shared (for now) bedroom. It bothers him. The way Jungkook behaves around Eunwoo. The way they look at each other. It makes Namjoon feel like he's coming in between them. He knows it's not true. There's nothing between Jungkook and Eunwoo other than friendship and unrequited feelings. Or so they think.

Jungkook immediately furrows his brows, setting the jug of water he'd just brought from the kitchen down on the bedside table. "What are you talking about?", he questions, confused. Namjoon sighs, breathing deeply. "I think Eunwoo likes you back. You just need to tell him", he reiterates what he'd said the day he'd met Eunwoo.

Jungkook doesn't take it lightly this time. "We've talked about this before. I'm not telling him anything right now", he huffs. Namjoon doesn't want to annoy him but watching Jungkook with Eunwoo has made him anxious and jittery. He feels like the third person in their (non-existent) relationship and it's definitely not a good feeling.

"But you'll tell him before the vacation ends? You didn't give me an answer last time", Namjoon points out. Jungkook looks conflicted. "I don't know...", he trails off. Namjoon scoots over to the right side of the bed and pats the empty space beside him. Jungkook easily understands what he means and comes to sit beside him albeit hesitantly.

"Jungkook-ah, I know I have no right to meddle in your business but I need you to know that you're a good person. You deserve someone who will love and care for you like I know you'll do for them. If that person isn't Eunwoo, it could be someone else. It doesn't have to be him. But if you never try, you'll never know, right? Eunwoo would be a dumbass to let you go", Namjoon smiles, squeezing both of Jungkook's hands in his.

Jungkook releases a shaky breath, still not believing Namjoon's words completely. But he offers the older a genuine little smile. "You deserve someone who will love and care for you too, hyung", he whispers. Namjoon's heart swells in his chest. Oh, how he longs for that person to come into his life and sweep him off his feet.

He smiles. "I know. But you have that person right in front of you". Jungkook doesn't say anything to that, just lets out a sad sigh. Namjoon understands. He decides to leave this matter alone for now. Jungkook is a smart guy. He'll not lose in love.

"Hey, why don't you take me out tonight?", he enthusiastically asks, switching the subject with less grace that he would've liked but Jungkook allows it with a knowing smile. "Sure, hyung. Where do you wanna go?", he asks.

Namjoon pretends to ponder for a moment before replying. "I don't know, Jungkook-ah. You tell me", he grins. Jungkook's smile grows wider as a place immediately comes to mind. "I know just the place!", he claps, looking like an adorable puppy. His hair is long, curls right under his chin. It makes him look so small and young. Namjoon wants to give him the world.

"Okay, then, we can go after dinner! We'll—", Namjoon is interrupted by a third voice. "Ooh where are we planning to go?", Eunwoo immediately asks, standing at the doorway. Jungkook immediately flushes at the sight of him in his sweatpants, hair sticking to his forehead, an indication that he just came out of the shower.

Namjoon doesn't miss the way Eunwoo preens under Jungkook's shy attention.

"I'm taking Namjoon hyung to the hill behind Yejun-ssi's house", Jungkook replies, avoiding Eunwoo's eyes. Eunwoo's eyes light up. "Oh, can I come?", he asks. Namjoon is expecting Jungkook to say yes so he's more than a little bit surprised when Jungkook immediately denies the request.

"Eunwoo, sorry. I'd love for you to come with us but I think I owe Namjoon hyung just a little time to himself. He's already doing so much for me and my parents aren't making it any easier for him to atleast enjoy his time here", he explains. Eunwoo's face falls immediately, eyes hardening when they land at Namjoon.

Namjoon doesn't blame him.

"Jungkook-ah, it's no trouble. Eunwoo-ssi can come with us", he interjects. Jungkook frowns, shaking his head firmly. "No, hyung. I'll have so many more chances to hang out with Eunwoo. Let's just have this one night together. I want to make this worth your while, too".

Namjoon sighs as he looks at a dejected Eunwoo. Said guy forces himself to smile as he takes a step back. "Okay, Kook-ah. I understand. Have fun. You, too, Namjoon-ssi". Jungkook doesn't get the chance to apologise to him again as he walks straight out of the door.

It's Jungkook turn to sigh. "I fucked up, didn't I?", he asks. Namjoon rolls his eyes good-naturedly. "If you wanted him to come, why did you say no?", he asks, genuinely confused. Jungkook furrows his eyebrows. "I wasn't lying when I said I wanted just the two of us to go to the hill tonight. I just wish I had explained it to him differently. Please don't think I would rather spend my time with him, hyung".

Namjoon smiles, holding one of Jungkook's hand and squeezing it in reassurance. "I know, Jungkook-ah. Honestly, I'm kind of flattered that you said no to Eunwoo for me", he jokes. Jungkook giggles sweetly. "Of course, hyung. I'll always have Eunwoo. But you're only here for a few more days. I'd love to keep in touch with you after we go back to our own lives but we never know how life will turn out so I want to make our days together good for you".

Namjoon is honestly a little touched by Jungkook's words. It hasn't been long since they met. But Jungkook is so kind and gentle, it has his heart fluttering a little. It's dangerous territory. Namjoon doesn't want to go there. Feeling uneasy all of a sudden, Namjoon focuses on the only thing that makes him feel grounded.

"That's right. You will always have Eunwoo".

"You have to be there for him, Eunwoo!", Namjoon all but screams.

"Why do I have to?", Eunwoo asks.

"He said he would always have you".

"I don't know if I can do this anymore.
It hurts".


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