10. Two Glasses, Side by Side

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"Hyung, can you stop fidgeting? It's making me nervous", Jungkook whines. They're currently waiting outside the airport to welcome Jungkook's family to Seoul. Namjoon is full of nerves, making Jungkook nervous as well.

"I can't help it! You told me your family is weird and scary!", Namjoon retorts. Jungkook sighs. "Only some of them are weird and scary. My siblings and cousins are all normal", he assures.

Namjoon rolls his eyes. "Siblings and cousins can't really approve our relationship, can they?", he says as a matter of fact. Jungkook makes a face. "Yeah, but they can be an emotional support!", he argues.

"Well, okay then, I—", Namjoon is about to say something when he gets interrupted by a sweet voice.


Jungkook's eyes widen and he looks over Namjoon's shoulder to see the owner of the voice. Namjoon watches in amusement as Jungkook's pouty lips morph into one of the biggest, brightest smiles he has ever seen.

"Ji-eun noona!", Jungkook exclaims, running past Namjoon to get to her. "Rude", Namjoon mutters under his breath but he's smiling as he witnesses Jungkook embrace his sister tightly, obviously having missed her.

"I missed you so much", he whispers into her shoulder. Ji-eun smiles, patting his back adoringly. "I missed you, too, kookie", she whispers back. "I'm not sure about you missing me a lot, though", she adds as an after thought, looking at Namjoon curiously.

Jungkook frowns and pulls back. "What do you mean?", he wonders out loud. "Well, you seemed to be in your own world, bickering with your boyfriend and all", she teases, wiggling her eyebrows.

It's as if Jungkook had completely forgotten about Namjoon's presence so when it finally dawns upon him that his sister his talking about his pretend boyfriend, he blushes furiously, lightly hitting her arm and whining. He looks at Namjoon apologetically who just shakes his head and gives him a reassuring smile.

"Where are the others?", he then asks, ignoring his sister's initial comment. Ji-eun chuckles but doesn't tease him anymore, choosing to answer him instead. "They're right behind". As if on cue, a tall, handsome man pulls Jungkook into a hug, lifting him off of the ground.

"Eunwoo, oh my god!", he exclaims, shocked. The man— Eunwoo— laughs, puts him back on his legs but doesn't let go of his body. "Surprise, darling", he says, poking Jungkook's nose. Namjoon watches them interact from afar, a little confused. He doesn't remember Jungkook mentioning someone called Eunwoo.

Then again, he did say it's a surprise.

"I can't believe this! No one told me!", Jungkook pouts, slapping Eunwoo's chest continuosly until the man pulls him even closer than before, trapping his arms between their chests. Namjoon raises an eyebrow involuntarily. They seem quite close.

"That's enough, Jungkook. We're tired. Wouldn't you take us home?", an old man comes up from behind Eunwoo, accompanied by an old woman, surprising Jungkook. He quickly detaches himself from Eunwoo, looking a lot less excited now.

Must be his dad. Namjoon thinks to himself.

"Appa, Eomma, good to see you again", he says, bowing full ninety degrees. He sounds way too formal and Namjoon knows he should quickly start the act of a good (fake) boyfriend.

"Hello", he says lowly, approaching them, bowing to Jungkook's parents. "Namjoon, right?", Jungkook's mom queries. Namjoon nods, smiling politely. She smiles as well. It doesn't quite reach her eyes. If anything, her smile looks fake.

"Nice to finally meet you. We were very—", she side eyes Jungkook and then continues, "—surprised to know that our dear Jungkookie has a boyfriend of a few months now. So yeah, it's good to see you".

Namjoon puts all his effort to not let his smile turn awkward at her condescending tone. Now he knows why Jungkook was not keen on talking too much about his parents.

"I feel the same way. You all must be really tired. We should get home before it turns dark", he proposes. Jungkook's dad hums. "Sure, Namjoon. Please collect our luggages", he says. Namjoon almost lets his eyes widen but controls himself before it could happen.

"Oh, I'm....", he trails off, clearly not expecting Jungkook's father to carry out orders so soon. "Appa, I can do that!", Jungkook interrupts, horrified. He knows how his parents are. It's already weird that they didn't arrange a chauffer to pick them up. Now he's asking Namjoon to carry all their luggage, knowing it's a lot for just one person to carry.

"Yeah, I'll help. It's no big deal", Eunwoo jumps in. "Well, if he's going to be a permanent part of our lives, he might as well learn to do these things himself but as you wish", Jungkook's dad says— very rudely— and walks away, his mother following straight behind, looking quite disappointed.

"Jeon Jaehwan and Jeon Sumi", Eunwoo suddenly says. "Truly a match made in heaven", he chuckles. Jungkook sighs. "Hyung, I'm so sorry. I really didn't think he'd humiliate you like that", he tells Namjoon, beating himself up for something that wasn't even his fault.

"Jungkook", he emphasizes. "It's nothing I can't handle. Besides, he's not wrong you know? I need to help out if I'm gonna be with you—", Namjoon doesn't get to finish his 'dialogue' as Eunwoo starts speaking in between and interrupts him.

"Oh, Namjoon-ssi, you don't need to act in front of me. I know there's nothing between you two", he says, sounding a little smug. Namjoon doesn't hide his surprise. He looks at Jungkook for clarification who nods, giving him an embarassed smile.

"Sorry, hyung. I forgot to tell you that Eunwoo knows about our deal. He's my best friend so I couldn't lie to him and I had no idea he was coming as well", the younger says honestly. Namjoon waves it off. "It's fine. One less person to pretend in front of", he jokes.

All three of them laugh. "I already like you, Namjoon-ssi", Eunwoo says good-naturedly. Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Stop flattering him. You're full of shit", he says, picking up two duffle bags. Eunwoo just sticks his tongue out at him.

"By the way, Jong-suk hyung didn't come? And what about the others?", Jungkook asks Eunwoo. Namjoon knows who Jong-suk is. He is Ji-eun's husband and Jungkook's favorite brother-in-law. The others probably means his cousins.

"They're running a little late but don't worry, they'll arrive by tomorrow. Why, you missed them more than me or what?", Eunwoo teases. Jungkook smiles cheekily. "You know I always miss you the most!", he exclaims.

Jungkook probably misses it but Namjoon doesn't miss the way Eunwoo looks at Jungkook as if he himself hung the stars and the moon and personally painted the sky in navy hues.



Film out sounds so good😭

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