2. Make My Heart Beat Again

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"Jangmi, no, honey. You can't eat that", Namjoon says with a tired sigh, gently pulling the crayon out of Jangmi's mouth. She pouts at him, a sad little thing. Namjoon just smiles and ruffles his hair.

Suddenly, he hears a screech and an evil little laugh. He quickly turns around and surely, Soyoung is pulling Beomgyu's hair while the boy cries loudly. Namjoon's eyes widen and he rushes to the both of them.

"Soyoung!", he exclaims, shocked that such a sweet little girl would even do something menacing to her classmate. "Are you okay?", he asks worriedly, looking at Beomgyu whose hair is thankfully not stuck
in Soyoung's vice grip anymore. The boy just continues crying loudly.

Namjoon sighs, turning to the little demon. "Honey, why would you do that?", he asks, genuinely wondering why she would hurt Beomgyu, they're both supposed to be good friends.

"He took my colors!", Soyoung yells, crossing her arms over her small front. Namjoon sighs. "Honey, he might've borrowed it. You can't hurt him for that. We don't do that, okay?", he says as gently as he can.

Soyoung pouts a little but then sighs, with all the emotions of a four year old. "Okay", she says quietly, keeping her head down. "Now what do we say to Beomgyu?", Namjoon presses, hoping that she would not be too difficult.

"Sorry, Beomie", she says, pouting. Beomgyu sniffles dramatically. "'s okay", he whispers. Namjoon grins and brings the boy closer, wiping his tears and smoothing out his hair. "Let's not take other people's things without asking, okay?" He smiles when Beomgyu nods, satisfied.

The bell starts ringing just then and Namjoon huffs out in relief. The kids cheer happily, ready to rush home.

"Slowly!", he yells after them but knows it's no use. Namjoon smiles tiredly. Taking care of a whole group of Kindergarteners is hard but he can't say he hates his job. Quiet contrary to it. He loves it, loves knowing that the parents of these kids trust him to take care of their children and make them happy.

"Namjoon-ssi!", Hoseok calls loudly. Namjoon smiles widely at him, taking his things and putting them inside his bag before rushing towards him. "Hoseok-ssi! Hope your day was good", he says, genuinely meaning his words.

Hoseok is his newest colleague. He joined the organization just a few days ago, five, maybe. Though his overly bright, sweet personality makes Namjoon think that he'd have no problem settling in, especially with the kids.

"Oh, it was good! The kids are lovely", Hoseok says with a dreamy lilt to his words. Namjoon laughs quietly. They start walking towards the exit gate when Namjoon spots a beautiful man looking their way.

"Who's that?", he wonders out loud, grabbing Hoseok's attention who was just babbling about his day. As soon as his eyes land on the godly looking man, he grins widely. Namjoon guesses they're familiar with each other then.

"That's my fiancè", Hoseok samys proudly. Namjoon hopes his surprise isn't shown on his face. Hoseok is from a middle class family, as far as he knows, and this man seems rich as hell, if his obviously expensive car has anything to go by.

"I didn't know you were getting married. You're quite young", Namjoon comments. Hoseok chuckles. "I am young, yes. My parents insisted that I get married this year. I decided to fulfill their wishes", he replies.

"Taehyung-ah", Hoseok says fondly, opening his arms and engulfing the good looking man into a warm hug. "Hyung, I missed you", the other man whispers, grinning a wide, boxy grin, resting his head on Hoseok's shoulder. The scene is so heartwarming Namjoon worries he's invading something intimate and special.

"Tae, this is Kim Namjoon, my colleague. Namjoon-ssi, Kim Taehyung, my fiancè", Hoseok introduces the both of them. Namjoon bows to him and Taehyunh does the same, not hesitating to return the polite gesture.

He watches as Hoseok makes small talk with Taehyung, the two of them smiling at each other. Namjoon feels like quite the third wheel that he is. Hoseok and Taehyung make a good pair, both bright and smiley.

"You guys look good together", he blurts out before he can stop himself. But he doesn't get the chance to be embarassed about it because then, Taehyung is laughing bashfully, looking a little too proud. "We get that a lot", he says cheekily.

"It's an arranged marriage, though", Hoseok says right after. Namjoon chokes on nothing. He could've never guessed, to be honest. By the way the two interact with each other, so comfortable, Namjoon doesn't think anyone else could've either. And arranged marriage? Of two men? In South Korea? That's a hard pill to swallow.

"I know what you're thinking, Namjoon-ssi. As I told you, my parents insisted that I get married this year. And they've known since forever that I'm gay as hell", Hoseok says, waving his rainbow painted nails in the air. "I told them I'm too busy to date anyone so they offered to find me someone. That someone just so happens to be Taehyung".

"Can't call it an arranged marriage anymore though", Taehyung says softly, sharing a look with Hoseok. Namjoon smiles to himself. They look really great together. He's happy for them.

Sighing, he wishes he could find someone for himself, too. Someone who could make his heart beat again.

The three of them walk to the nearest cafeteria together, chatting and laughing about random things when Namjoon notices something.

"You didn't bring your car?", he asks Taehyung. Said man frowns in confusion. "My car?", he wonders out loud. Namjoon nods. "Your Porsche?", he says as if that would ring a bell.

Taehyung laughs at that. "I'm not rich enough to afford a car, Namjoon-ssi. Much less, a whole ass Porsche. If you're talking about the car parked in front of the Kindergarten, it's not mine", he says.

"Right. It's not his because it's mine".

That voice. Namjoon would recognize that voice anywhere. From his deepest, darkest, nightmares. He sighs involuntarily.

"Jin hyung..."


In the end, I just couldn't help but rewrite lol. Gonna pass out now. Good night 💜💜💜

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