12. Every Moment Repeats

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"Hyung, are you awake?", Jungkook asks from outside Namjoon's door, not wanting to disturb him in case he's sleeping. It takes approximately five minutes for Namjoon to open the door. Jungkook smiles when he notices Namjoon's wet hair. He probably just finished washing up.

"Hey, Jungkook, did you need anything?", Namjoon asks, yawning. "No, no, it's not that", Jungkook is quick to assure. "I just wanted to let you know that we'll be having lunch with my family tomorrow. And probably spend the whole afternoon with them. I hope that's okay with you", he says gently.

Namjoon bites his lower lip, hesitating a little. It doesn't take Jungkook much time to realise why Namjoon is hesitating. "We can re-schedule it. Don't stress it too much", he assures. Namjoon shakes his head, smiling. "It's fine. You'll be there. Guess I'll just have to cling to you the whole time", he winks.

Jungkook blushes, looking down. "Uh.. yeah, that's fine. Whatever you're comfortable with. And... yeah, that's all I wanted to say", he says, sounding just as flustered as he looks. Namjoon gives him a once over, clearly checking him out from head to toe.

"You're going somewhere?", he asks. Jungkook is wearing his classic all black outfit, a bucket hat completing the look. He's wearing his docs and Namjoon's kind of curious about where he's heading to at this time of the night. He looks quite appealing like this. Not that he isn't appealing all the time but that isn't the point here.

"Oh, yes! I completely forgot to mention it. I work two jobs. This one is more of a pass time, though. I'll always be out at this time during the weekends. I hope you don't mind", Jungkook looks at him with big, shiny eyes. And god, those eyes. How can Namjoon ever say no to him?

"Of course! It's your life, your rules. We aren't an actual couple, Jungkook. You don't need to ask me", Namjoon smiles at him. Jungkook grins back in relief, nodding along. To be honest, Namjoon is a little curious about this job of Jungkook but he doesn't bother asking. The younger man will tell him when he wants to.

"Alright, then. I should take my leave. Sleep well, hyung. And don't open the door for anyone! I have my keys with me. If you need anything, don't hesitate to take it or just give me a call", Jungkook says and starts walking away. Namjoon is grinning from ear to ear when Jungkook suddenly stops in his track and turns around to look at him.

Namjoon raises an eyebrow. Jungkook has got a teasing smile on his face. Namjoon knew something was coming but nothing could've prepared him for Jungkook saying, "Nice PJs, hyung". He flushes wildly, trying to come up with a witty reply. Unfortunately, Jungkook is already out of the door. That sweet laugh of his still ringing in Namjoon's ears.

He looks at his outfit and groans. Damn Jackson for stealing all his checkered pajamas. If not for him, he wouldn't have to wear these stupid koala PJs. And he wouldn't have to be humiliated in front of Jungkook. Did he give you a compliment? A voice in head unhelpfully provides but Namjoon ignores it.

He can't deny it, though. Jungkook's simple words made him feel something in his stomach. Like a tiny, bright blue butterfly flying around his insides. He feels fuzzy, fuzzier than the PJs he's currently wearing. The material feels quite nice, though. He has to admit.

Huffing out a chuckle, he goes back inside his room, mentally preparing himself to lie on the bed pass out. Except, that's not what happens. Because as soon as he unlocks his phone to set the alarm, he remembers something.

"Oh my god, it's friday!", he exclaims to no one particular. He starts rummaging through his luggage for his laptop, sighing in relief when he finally finds it. "God, I almost forgot about it", he mutters to himself.

Namjoon chews on his nails anxiously as he waits for his laptop to load before connecting it to the Wi-Fi in Jungkook's house. He pulls up the local radio channel's live broadcast and sighs happily when he hears that sweet voice again, oddly familiar all of a sudden.

"-to The Jeon FM. I'm your host, RJ JK".

Namjoon closes his eyes, listening to the honey voice, content that he didn't miss anything. There's an itch in his right thumb that makes him want to text Jackson and fanboy about this man to him but he resists the urge. Jackson has no idea he's playing someone's pretense boyfriend. And he surely won't be happy to be hearing about it right now. Or later. But that's Namjoon's agenda. It's either late or never.

Besides, he doesn't want Jackson to accidentally tell Seokjin about this whole arrangement. He knows there's something going on between the two of them. And they deserve time to explore and figure out the kind of relationship they want. So taking that into consideration, all the more reasons to not burden them with his irrational decisions.

Instead, he decides to focus on RJ JK's voice, closing his eyes.

"Alright, everyone! Enough of the small talk. The first song I'm going to play is... Blue & Grey by BTS! One of my personal favorites! Here's it!"

Namjoon feels himself slip into a different world as he hears the beautiful songs, JK's voice resounding here and there. He doesn't know what it is with his voice but it's so calm and gentle, Namjoon feels like he's being hugged by his (non-existent) lover, bodies tangled under the warm, fuzzy covers.

It makes him feel things he has never ever felt before. It's kind of surreal to have this kind of connection with someone he has never ever met or directly had a conversation with. The only time JK has ever interacted with him was when he asked him to marry him.

He sighs a little, sleep making it difficult for him to keep his eyes open. JK's voice is way too comforting for Namjoon to not fall asleep to. And before he knows it, his lids are getting heavy and he's falling asleep to the sound of V's Sweet Night.

"How could I know...."

If Namjoon had known JK and Jungkook were the same person, would he have still fallen for Jeon Jungkook instead of RJ JK?

The thing is, Namjoon didn't fall in love with Jeon Jungkook. Because falling hurts. It didn't hurt when he started loving him even though it's hurting right now. He landed in love. Slowly. Just like that.


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